
Primary LanguageJavaScript

# React Project ## App details The application was bootstraped using [Create React App](https://reactjs.org/docs/create-a-new-react-app.html). You can add any aditional libraries like the below: - [React Router](https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router) - for client-side (browser) routing - [axios](https://github.com/axios/axios) - for HTTP requests - any UI library such as [Ant Design](https://ant.design/), [reactstrap](https://reactstrap.github.io/) or [Material UI](https://material-ui.com/) - any other global state management tool such as [ContextAPI](https://reactjs.org/docs/context.html), [Redux](https://redux.js.org/) or [MobX](https://mobx.js.org/). ## Fake REST API The only already installed dependency is the [JSON server](https://github.com/typicode/json-server) (development dependency), a "fake" REST API. This API exposes 3 different resourses (stats, courses and instructors) and you can view it on `db.json` file. We will demonstrate how this API works, but feel free to read the package details and this [nice introductory article](https://scotch.io/tutorials/json-server-as-a-fake-rest-api-in-frontend-development). For the visual learners there is also a nice [quick intro video](https://egghead.io/lessons/javascript-creating-demo-apis-with-json-server). ## Run locally You need to have node.js installed. I am using node version `12.17` and npm version `6.14.4`, but you can use any modern node/npm version you want. When you are ready, you can install all dependencies and run the development servers by typing the below commands: ``` npm install npm run api // Runs API server in port 3001 npm start // Runs the create react app server in port 3000 open http://localhost:3000 ``` When you are ready start implementing the below user stories. The screenshots where taken after using [reactstrap](https://reactstrap.github.io/) (a Bootstrap implementation for React) UI library, but feel free to use whichever one you like. Just use the components that make more sence and display the screens / data nicely. ## User stories ### Dashboard page The dashbord page must contain: 1. Code.Hub's stats (students, courses, instructors and events) 2. a list with the last 5 courses 3. every course must have a link that leads to the course details page 4. a link that leads to the courses page #### Dashboard (sample) ![Dashboard](public/dashboard.png) ### Courses page The courses page must contain: 1. all the available courses 2. every course must have a link that leads to the course details page #### Courses Page (sample) ![Courses Page](public/courses-page.png) ### Course details page The course details page must contain: 1. all the details of the course 2. all the course instructors #### Courses Details Page (sample) ![Courses Details Page](public/course-details-page.png) ### Add new course page The add new course page must contain: 1. a form with the appropriate course fields 2. a submit button that posts the data correctly #### Add new course page (sample) ![Add new course page](public/add-new-course.png) ### Extras / Bonus - Add client-side validations - Add insctuctors views / forms # codehubDash