
Service integrator written in Ballerina

Primary LanguageBallerina

Ballerina Integrator

This is part of the ddd-playground project.

The project consists of many dockerised services written in different languages and exposing APIs.

An integrator component written in Ballerina lang will expose transformed and combined data of those APIs.


The application is the Integrator and it is written in Ballerina lang.

Base path of integrator is: http://localhost:9090

Product Endpoints

API Endpoints available are:

GET  "/product"
GET  "/product/{id}"
POST "/product"

In details

curl --location --request GET "http://localhost:9090/product"

         "name":"Red Chair",
         "name":"Blue Table",
         "name":"Yellow Carpet",

Get specific product

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:9090/product/2'

   "name":"Blue Table",

Create a new product

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9090/product' -d '{"name":"Yellow Chair", "category_id":1}'

 "name":"Yellow Chair",


There is a ballerina.conf.dist available. Create a new ballerina.conf with your configuration preferences.


make start


make stop