Hi, I'm Tina 👋

I am a Machine Learning Engineer, Data Scientist and Entrepreneur. I'm most in my element solving data problems and doing mentoring work, with extensive experience at high-growth startups - currently at Pathrise (YC W18) formerly at Bloom Institute of Tech (YC S17). I am also an experienced Manager and Digital Marketer.

Current Projects (WIP)

Spotify Music Recommender - I'm working on re-designing and improving a music recommendation engine using Spotify tracks

Tech Stack: React, Node JS, AWS Amplify, Python, SQLite3

🌱 Digital Garden - I'm developing a React Web App & Blog in line with the Digital Gardening philosophy

Skills and Expertise

Programming Languages: Python (Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, PySpark), SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Machine Learning: Supervised Learning (Linear Models, Tree-based Models), Unsupervised Learning (Clustering, PCA)

Deep Learning: Neural Nets & CNNs (TensorFlow, Keras), Natural Language Processing (NLTK, SpaCy, Gensim, Vader), Computer Vision (YOLO, OpenCV, Face Recognition, TensorFlow), Reinforcement Learning (Open AI Gym), GANs

Cloud: AWS (SageMaker, Redshift, EC2, S3, Amplify, EMR, Route 53, Billing), GCP

Frameworks & Other: Apache Spark, Docker, React, Flask, Plotly Dash, Bootstrap, WordPress, Adobe Photoshop & InDesign, Git, Anaconda