
Simple Flask website allowing to check nearby shop locations from a postcode.

Primary LanguagePython

Test website

Website made with Python and Flask of the online shop. The program takes as an input localisation (with postcode) from the user and a some distance and then it generates an list of the nearby shops.

It uses the haversine formula which determines the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere given their longitudes and latitudes.

How to use it:

  1. Make sure that you have python installed
  2. Make sure path to python is specified in your environmental variables environment variables tutorial
  3. Before running the applicataion all the dependincies has to be installed first. Run this command in cmd or powershell: pip install -r requirements.txt from inside the folder "test".
  4. From folder "test" run command: python main.py
  5. Server will run on local host. Open the browser and put into address bar (assuming default settings)
  6. Website will be opened. Into the form fields insert user postcode and desired distance.

Working demo

Try it out


If there will be problem with installation dependencies from requirements.txt try following commands installing the most basic libraries: pip install --user postcodes-io-api pip install --user flask pip install --user haversine