I will be very grateful if you write to me what needs to be fixed here. So that I can improve my skill. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivan-kovalchuk-7740a511a/
Сreate a schema and tables. The script is located in the resources folder.
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- Spring jdbctemplate
All requests you can send to this server
POST requests with body:
"username": "soddd",
"firstName": "firstName",
"lastName": "lastName",
"email": "emaishlwws@gmail.com",
"password": "password"
POST requests with body:
"username": "soddd",
"password": "password"
A token will come from the server. He is in Header.
Token example:
Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJzb21lbmFtZSIsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbXSwiaWF0IjoxNTkzNDI1MTUzLCJleHAiOjE1OTQyNTI4MDB9.S_5V7B_nifFs186v0Zo8lI4dupL-CvoN368hKJPYdtf_G4ANObbdW1j6K8pyB4lP5NrMJUIHCJ3e5t7Ve2K02A
Be sure to insert token into the request header. Example:
Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJzb21lbmFtZSIsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbXSwiaWF0IjoxNTkzNDI1MTUzLCJleHAiOjE1OTQyNTI4MDB9.S_5V7B_nifFs186v0Zo8lI4dupL-CvoN368hKJPYdtf_G4ANObbdW1j6K8pyB4lP5NrMJUIHCJ3e5t7Ve2K02A
PUT requests with body:
Indicate user id and data for editing
"userId": 1,
"username": "rrrrrrr",
"firstName": "ttttttt",
"lastName": "lllllllll",
"password": "password"
DELETE requests with body:
Indicate user id for deleting
"userId": 1
POST requests with body:
Indicate user id
"userId": 1
Pagination limit: 10 users per page
POST requests with body:
"page": 1
When creating a task, it is assigned to its creator
PUT requests with body:
"status": "View",
"title": "iiiisdi",
"description": "some description"
PUT requests with body:
"id": 65,
"status": "Done",
"title": "iiiisdi",
"description": "some else description"
DELETE requests with task id in body:
"id": 1
Sorting by new / old users by'desc' or 'asc'
POST requests with body:
"status": "Done",
"orderType": "desc"
PUT requests with body:
"taskId": 5,
"userId": 7
I would be very grateful if you looked at the code and write me what needs to be fixed. Professional opinion is very important for me.