Simple golang app

This is a starter project for the third laboratory assignment on containerization.

How to run

You will need golang toolchain installed in order to compile this project.

Build the project with the following command:

solo@falcon ~/project $ go build -o build/fizzbuzz

When you have the project built, you can run it by invoking the binary:

solo@falcon ~/project $ ./build/fizzbuzz
  fizzbuzz [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  query       Query if the number is fizz/buzz or fizzbuzz
  serve       Run an http server to anser fizzbuzz queries

  -h, --help   help for fizzbuzz

solo@falcon ~/project $ ./build/fizzbuzz serve
Listening on

When serving a project, press Ctrl+C to sent SIGTERM signal to the running server and bring it down.