
The missing tool for simple testing of SQL queries.

Primary LanguageGo


A tool to run unit tests on PostgreSQL sql files.

  1. You have a bunch of SQL files with INSERT and SELECT in them. You also know what the expected output is. Put the source queries in a directory, and the expected output in another directory, use the same name for the files.
  2. Run sqltest on the directory with the source queries and the directory with the expected output.
  3. sqltest: create a temporary database
  4. sqltest: run setup instructions (a command specified in --setup) while providing the database name as an environment variable.
  5. sqltest: run the source queries in the source directory, and compare the output to the expected output. a. If different, print the diff and exit with an error code.
  6. sqltest: run --teardown command while providing the database name as an environment variable.
  7. sqltest: drop the temporary database.
Source Expected
SELECT 1 + 1 as data;

SELECT 2+2 as data;
(1 row)

(1 row)



go install github.com/kovetskiy/sqltest/cmd/sqltest@latest


  sqltest [options] <in> <expected>
  sqltest -h | --help
  sqltest --version

  -d --db <uri>         PostgreSQL connection URI [default: postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable]
  --setup <command>     Command to run before test.
  --teardown <command>  Command to run after test.
  --no-rm               Do not remove output files.
  --approve <filter>    Approve results of testcases matching filter].
                         Example: --approve . to approve all testcases.
  --debug               Enable debug logging.
  -h --help             Show this screen.
  --version             Show version.


sqltest ./testdata/testcases ./testdata/expected -d 'postgres://a:b@host/dev?sslmode=disable'
2023-02-13 12:01:35.989 INFO  PASS simple-math (772.895681ms)
2023-02-13 12:01:35.989 INFO  PASS 1 testcases (772.933208ms)

If you see that your test failed, you can approve the result by running:

sqltest ./testdata/testcases ./testdata/expected -d 'postgres://a:b@host/dev?sslmode=disable' --approve .

The --approve flag will copy the output of the test that matches the given pattern (.) to the expected directory.

Environment variables:

Environment variables are supplied to --setup and --teardown commands. This is useful for supplying database schema.

Name Description
SQLTEST_DATABASE_NAME The name of the database used for the test
SQLTEST_DATABASE_URI The connection string used for the test
SQLTEST_TESTCASE_NAME The name of the test
SQLTEST_TESTCASE_FILENAME The filename of the test
SQLTEST_TESTCASE_DIR_IN The directory where the test is located
SQLTEST_TESTCASE_DIR_OUT The directory where the expected output is located
