
Command line interface for managing Bitbucket repositories & projects

Primary LanguageGo


It's a client for Atlassiah Stash/Bitbucket Server that provides command line interface for managing pull-requests, repositories and their settings.


  • Create a project
  • List repositories in a project
  • Create a repository in a project
  • Rename a repository
  • Move a repository from one project to another
  • Create a pull request
  • Uninstall an addon by key
  • Install an addon by a given path
  • Disable an addon by a key
  • Enable an addon by a key
  • Set an addon's license


stacket is go-gettable:

go get github.com/kovetskiy/stacket

Arch Linux users can create package using pkgbuild branch.


  stacket [options] projects       create    <project>
  stacket [options] repositories   list      <project>
  stacket [options] repositories   create    <project> <repository>
  stacket [options] repositories   rename    <project> <repository> <new-name>
  stacket [options] repositories   move      <project> <repository> <new-project>
  stacket [options] repositories   remove    <project> <repository>
  stacket [options] pull-requests  create    <project> <repository> <from> [<to>] [-r <reviewer>]...
  stacket [options] addons         uninstall <addon>
  stacket [options] addons         install   <path>
  stacket [options] addons         disable   <addon>
  stacket [options] addons         enable    <addon>
  stacket [options] addons license set       <addon>
  stacket -h |--help
  stacket --version

  projects                      Work with projects.
  repositories                  Work with <project> repositories.
  pull-requests                 Work with <project>/<repository> pull-requests.
    -t --title <title>          Speicfy pull-request title.
    -d --desc <description>     Specify pull-request description.
    -r --reviewer <reviewer>    Specify pull-request reviewer.
  addons                        Work with Atlassian Add-ons.
  --config <path>               Use specified config file
                                 [default: /home/operator/.config/stacket.conf].
  --uri <bitbucket>             Use this URI instead of config.
  -g --git                      Set git remote origin.
  -h --help                     Show this screen.
  --version                     Show version.


You can write configuration file using following syntax:

base_url = "http://git.local"
username = "e.kovetskiy"
password = "sup3rp@ssw0rd31337"

or if you are working with lots of bitbucket setups, you can pass the config as URI to --uri flag:

stacket --uri http://admin:adminpass@bitbucket.local/


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