
Simple transformation utility for JSON files with predefined input and output schemas

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Transformer

Project Structure

  • requirements.txt - Use this file to install Python dependencies. Created for later use.
  • transform.py - Python script with the transformation logic; takes a JSON file as an input and produces another JSON file
  • test.py - Python script to perform some basic sanity checks on the original and transformed data
  • data.json - Source data to be transformed (storing data in Git is forbidden; this is only for demonstration purposes)
  • README.md - Documentation


Step 1. Install the dependencies from requirements.txt

After cloning the repository, run the following command in your terminal window:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 2. Run the transformation using transform.py

Run the transform.py utility that takes two inputs:

  1. The source JSON file that needs to be transformed
  2. The destination JSON file path where you want to store the transformed data
python transform.py --input data.json --output data-transformed.json

Step 3. Run the tests using test.py

In this step, you'll perform sanity checks on the transformed data, comparing it with the source data. You'll check:

  • if the number of orders in the input & output are equal
  • if the number of customers in the input & output are equal
  • if a particular customer that exists in the input exists in the output
  • if the basic order details have been correctly transformed in the output
  • if the order item quantity and price have been correctly transformed in the output

To perform these tests, run the test.py utility that takes the same two inputs as the previous step:

python test.py --input data.json --output data-transformed.json

The output of the tests will be printed on the console.

Next Steps

Currently, this doesn't use any external libraries.

  • To create a generic utility that takes in a source and destination JSON schema, validates it, and transforms the data.
  • To handle bigger amounts of data with more structure, use Pandas or PySpark.
  • Use something like Great Expectations for testing.