This is a small demo of Svelte & SvelteKit for Koodikerho.
This part is done as a code-along using the online REPL at
let name = 'Koodikerho';
<h1>Hello {name.toUpperCase()}!</h1>
Changing things changes the output.
Template syntax: everything inside {}
in the template is intepreted as JavaScript.
let wappuLength = 0;
Wappu kestää {wappuLength} päivää
<button on:click={() => wappuLength++}>
Lisää yksi päivä
Explain reactivity. The output automatically reacts to state change. In React, this would require the use of hooks.
Explain event handler initialization.
Show moving it inside the script
let wappuLength = 0;
const MAX_WAPPU_LENGTH = 20;
const handleClick = () => wappuLength++;
<button on:click={handleClick}>Lisää yksi</button>
Wappu kestää {wappuLength} päivää
{#if wappuLength > MAX_WAPPU_LENGTH}
Wappu on liian pitkä!
Wappu on sopivan pituinen.
Create a new component WappuStatus.svelte
and move logic in there.
export let wappuLength;
const MAX_WAPPU_LENGTH = 20;
Wappu kestää {wappuLength} päivää
{#if wappuLength > MAX_WAPPU_LENGTH}
Wappu on liian pitkä!
import WappuStatus from './WappuStatus.svelte';
let wappuLength = 0;
const handleClick = () => wappuLength++;
<button on:click={handleClick}>Lisää yksi</button>
<WappuStatus {wappuLength} />
This causes a problem, explain why.
export let wappuLength;
const MAX_WAPPU_LENGTH = 20;
const isWappuTooLong = wappuLength > MAX_WAPPU_LENGTH;
Wappu kestää {wappuLength} päivää
{#if isWappuTooLong}
Wappu on liian pitkä!
So we need to hint the compiler what we want to be reactive.
export let wappuLength;
const MAX_WAPPU_LENGTH = 20;
$: isWappuTooLong = wappuLength > MAX_WAPPU_LENGTH;
Wappu kestää {wappuLength} päivää
{#if isWappuTooLong}
Wappu on liian pitkä!
Explain component scoped styles. Showcase how styles work in Svelte.
import WappuStatus from './WappuStatus.svelte';
let wappuLength = 0;
const handleClick = () => wappuLength++;
<button on:click={handleClick}>Lisää yksi</button>
<WappuStatus {wappuLength} />
Lohenvärinen lause
<style lang="scss">
p {
background-color: salmon;
Node.js & NPM, fairly recent version
npm init svelte sveltekit-demo
Pick "skeleton project" and answer no to everything for now.
- Showcase routes
- Showcase api endpoint
- Showcase page endpoint
import db from '$lib/database';
/** @type {import('./__types/[id]').RequestHandler} */
export async function get({ params }) {
// `` comes from [id].js
const item = await db.get(;
if (item) {
return {
body: { item }
return {
status: 404