New release of Slimv that resolves E128 error
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi Tamas (@kovisoft),
Thank you for creating and developing this great project. I am an active user of the Slimv plugin. I have also contributed a fix to this plugin last year in pull request #66. I recently noticed that the last tagged release is quite old: 0.9.12 (29 Dec 2013). This old release is no longer compatible with recent versions of Vim. Using it with a recent version of Vim causes errors. Here are the steps to reproduce the errors:
Install version 0.9.12 of Slimv:
git clone -b 0.9.12 --depth 1 ~/.vim/bundle/slimv vim +"helptags ~/.vim/bundle/slimv/doc" +q echo "set runtimepath^=~/.vim/bundle/slimv" >> ~/.vimrc
Edit a new Lisp source code file:
vim foo.lisp
The following errors appear after Vim starts:
Error detected while processing /home/sv/.vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/lisp/slimv-lisp.vim: line 66: E128: Function name must start with a capital or "s:": b:SlimvAutodetect( preferred ) line 80: E133: :return not inside a function line 85: E133: :return not inside a function line 89: E133: :return not inside a function line 195: E117: Unknown function: SlimvInitBuffer
Here are a couple of other discussions I found regarding this issue on the web:
- Superuser: Setting up Slimv on Windows + Vim / gVim
- Reddit: r/vim: E128: Function name must start with a capital, which it does
This issue was fixed in commit b7cbaf2. Do you plan to make a new release of the plugin? Even if you do not make a new release on Vim Scripts, I think it would be good to tag a recent commit with a new version number.
Thank you for the feedback. You are absolutely right, I should make a new release on Vim Scripts. Right now I'm away from my computer, but I'm going to do it when I get back home.