- 1
Strange behavior with which-key.nvim
#139 opened by remexre - 2
Question on ( and ) in normal mode
#137 opened by kacoroski - 2
- 3
Q: Command to open the REPL?
#136 opened by MIvanchev - 7
Slimv with which-key
#108 opened by Kingsy - 5
- 8
Slimv hangs after connecting to SWANK.
#125 opened by elderK - 3
- 15
- 2
Connect to StumpWM's Lisp image
#133 opened by MaxGyver83 - 5
Notice: slime-v2.28 is not compatible and causes slimv to appear to hang after trying to print a string
#129 opened by Jach - 3
package-local-nicknames support
#128 opened by remexre - 1
Space as slimv_leader
#127 opened by Homo-carbonis - 15
- 0
Messages from xdg-open displayed in editor
#123 opened by Tekki - 7
Inspecing objects like #<POINT {1001D729C3}>
#100 opened by kacoroski - 6
Installation via Plugin Manager?
#122 opened by conor-f - 5
Can slimv use ssh etc to connect to remote image ?
#113 opened by kwccoin - 3
- 8
[SOLVED] Unable to start swank server in NixOS
#120 opened by rollschild - 1
- 5
- 5
Don't display escape characters in REPL
#116 opened by adampaulukanis - 3
iskeyword conflict with vim-racket
#114 opened by namedots - 1
Show describe-symbol in new buffer
#112 opened by AP2008 - 2
Eval and replaced evaluated form with result
#110 opened by poga - 1
- 2
mit-scheme doesn't work anymore
#107 opened by lazakoa - 1
Add option to disable slimv indent plugins
#105 opened by cwfoo - 4
Slimv not working with sbcl 2.1.0
#106 opened by Kingsy - 2
slimv hangs on failure of time.clock()
#104 opened - 2
Recommended way to customize swank startup?
#103 opened by phlummox - 2
Update README to reflect #46?
#102 opened by phlummox - 10
- 5
Please add support for ~/.slime-secret
#97 opened by gpiero - 2
Slimv tutorial is down
#96 opened by lsevero - 2
Missing tag for version 0.9.13
#93 opened by obscurerichard - 1
Typo in Slimv Tutorial
#91 opened by susam - 15
- 2
New release of Slimv that resolves E128 error
#84 opened by susam - 1
would you suggest chezscheme ?
#85 opened by kerwinxu - 26
Broken dot command after "ce"
#83 opened by mihaicristiantanase - 3
- 3
Un-deletable character in REPL
#77 opened by mihaicristiantanase - 1
- 4
- 2
How can I customize the non-source-code buffers (REPL, INSPECT, etc.)?
#78 opened by mihaicristiantanase - 2
- 3
Indentation issue with macro &body
#73 opened by FiV0 - 4