Vite-plugin for markdown

core code

const markdownRE = /<vite-markdown file="(.*)"><\/vite-markdown>/g;


const matches = Array.from(code.matchAll(markdownRE));


try {
  const data = fs
    .readFileSync(resolve(dirname(id), match[1]), {
      encoding: "utf-8",
  code = code.replaceAll(markdownRE, transformMarkdown(data));
} catch {
  code = code.replaceAll(markdownRE, "");

First, get matching code.

Then use fs.readFileSync get source file content, and use pkg markdown-it to render it (make .md content to be like .html)

const transformMarkdown = (mdText: string): string => {
  return `
    <section class='article-content'>

In the last, use function transformMarkdown's result to replace the component in vue.