
Real geometry tools

Primary LanguageJava

realgeom, a tool to solve problems in real geometry

This tool can solve some real geometry problems by using several computer algebra systems (CAS) by formalizing the problems, analyzing the result, and returning the answer to the user in readable format.

For example, such a problem is comparing (a²+b²+c²) and (a·b+b·c+c·a) in a triangle where a, b and c are the lengths of the sides. It can be proven that

a·b+b·c+c·a ≦ a²+b²+c² < 2·(a·b+b·c+c·a)

realgeom is capable of solving this kind of problem (among many others) by using recent computer algebra algorithms from various recent tools. Similar problems have been posed by the first chapter of the book

  • Bottema, Djordjević, Janić, Mitronović, Vasić: Geometric inequalities, Wolters-Noordhoff Publishing, Groningen, The Nederlands (1969)

The program offers two ways to solve such problems:

  • by working as a web service or
  • reading the list of given problems from a CSV file.

An example database of problems is also available based on the book above.



You need to have the following pieces of software installed:

  • Linux (most distributions should work, for example, Debian 8) or macOS (Catalina 10.15 should work) or Windows 10
  • Java SE 7/8 JDK



The command ./gradlew installDist will download and compile all additional tools you may eventually need, or informs you about the further steps. Finally the following command will start the program:

$ ./gradlew run

This should perform a self-test that results in something like this:

Loading Giac Java interface...
Time limit is set to 3600 seconds
Testing Giac connection...
Testing shell connection...
Testing Mathematica connection via shell...
Testing Maple connection via shell...
Testing Maple/RegularChains...
Testing Maple/SyNRAC...
Testing QEPCAD connection via shell...
Testing Reduce connection via shell...
Testing RedLog connection via shell...
All required tests are passed
Supported backends: mathematica,maple/regularchains,maple/synrac,qepcad,redlog

By entering

$ ./gradlew run --args="-h"

you will get some help on the command line options:

Loading Giac Java interface...
Unrecognized option: -h
usage: realgeom
 -b,--benchmark         run benchmark
 -c,--backends <arg>    backends
 -d,--dry-run           do not run heavy computations 
 -g,--geogebra          quickstart for GeoGebra (skips most checks)
 -i,--input <arg>       benchmark input file path
 -L,--qepcadL <arg>     space for prime list (QEPCAD +L)
 -l,--logfile <arg>     filename for logging
 -N,--qepcadN <arg>     garbage collected space in cells (QEPCAD +N) 
 -o,--output <arg>      benchmark output file
 -p,--port <arg>        HTTP server port number
 -s,--server            run HTTP server
 -t,--timelimit <arg>   time limit

By default all supported backends will be used unless you explicitly give a comma separated list of the backends. Note that all arguments should be passed in the way given above.

Running the benchmark

Use the option -b to run the benchmark.

The default input file is src/test/resources/benchmark.csv, while the default output is the file build/benchmark.html. You may want to see a demo of the generated output (rendered version). Here the time limit is 1 hour which is the default. It can be changed by setting the maximal amount of seconds with the -t option.

Running realgeom as a web service

Use the option -s to start the program as a web service.

By default a web server will be listening on port 8765, this can be changed by using the -p option. (Remember that you may not use port numbers less than 1024 on your machine unless you have root access. The given port may also be blocked by various firewalls.)

Then you can invoke a concrete computation by issuing the following HTTP request (from your browser):


that should return something like

LOG: log=VERBOSE,mode=EXPLORE,cas=MAPLE,tool=REGULAR_CHAINS,subst=AUTO,lhs=a*a+b*b+c*c,rhs=a*b+b*c+c*a,timelimit=300
LOG: subst() => lhs=1+b*b+c*c,rhs=b+b*c+c
LOG: ineqs=(m>0) &and (1+b>c) &and (b+c>1) &and (c+1>b) &and (1+b*b+c*c=m*(b+b*c+c))
LOG: code=with(RegularChains):with(SemiAlgebraicSetTools):timelimit(300,lprint(QuantifierElimination(&E([b,c]),(m>0) &and (1+b>c) &and (b+c>1) &and (c+1>b) &and (1+b*b+c*c=m*(b+b*c+c)))));
LOG: result=`&or`(m-1 = 0,5*m-6 = 0,`&and`(0 < m-1,5*m < 6),`&and`(0 < 5*m-6,m^2+2*m < 4),
`&and`(m^2+2*m-4 = 0,0 < m),`&and`(m < 2,0 < m^2+2*m-4,0 < m))
LOG: mathcode=Print[Quiet[Reduce[Or[m-1 == 0,5*m-6 == 0,And[0 < m-1,5*m < 6],And[0 < 5*m-6,m^2+2*m < 4],And[m^2+2*m-4 == 0,0 < m],And[m < 2,0 < m^2+2*m-4,0 < m]],m,Reals] // InputForm]]
Inequality[1, LessEqual, m, Less, 2]
LOG: time=1.926

in your browser. The interpretation of this result is that the equation (a²+b²+c²)=m·(a·b+b·c+c·a) has solutions for 1≦m<2.

(You can use both the -b and -s options. In this case first the benchmark will be performed, and only after it will be available the connection to the web service.)

Use case

realgeom is an external service used by recent versions of GeoGebra Discovery.

Frequently asked questions

  • My Java is too old, how to work this around? Download a newer Java JDK version and set the JAVA_HOME to the correct installation folder after unzipping it, before typing ./gradlew run.
  • How to enter the caret (^) symbol in the web service? Use %5e instead, e.g. a%5e2 instead of a^2.
  • Which parameters are accepted by the web service? See the file HTTPServer.java for the current options.


realgeom internally uses the Java port of the Giac CAS for some computations, based on the SWIG C++ to Java translator. Automated loading of the native JAR package of Giac was borrowed from GeoGebra.

We are thankful to the Research Institute for Symbolic Computations (RISC) at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Linz, Austria, for allowing access to their computer algebra resources.

Christopher W. Brown kindly helped in speeding up operation of the backends QEPCAD and Tarski. We acknowledge Daniel Carvalho's help in speeding up Mathematica's computations.

Note on Mathematica runtime

For technical convenience this source tree contains Mathematica's JLink.jar and the shared library libJLinkNativeLibrary.so. These are required to compile and start realgeom properly. To be able to use Mathematica, however, you need a license and a full installation.
