Kowala Ledger development tooling.

This image can be used to compile (and, on Linux, load) Ledger Nano S and Blue applications. It uses an Ubuntu-based system with the official GCC-ARM and LLVM images, as well as the current stable Nano S and Blue SDKs.

To use the system for development, mount a volume containing your application at /home/workspace, and then build as normal. For example, if your application is built by a Makefile:

docker run -v `pwd`:/home/workspace kowalatech/ledger make  

On Linux, you can also mount your USB bus and load the binary onto a device:

docker run --privileged \
            -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb \
            -v `pwd`:/home/workspace \ 
            kowalatech/ledger make load

NOTE: There's a conflict in Ubuntu between Python versions 2 and three. The command python uses version 2, and python3 version 3. If you're calling the python command directly (for example in Makefiles), use python3. For systems that use v3 defaultly (ie, python is v3) then the Docker image provides a PYTHON environment variable for easy interpolation.

ANOTHER NOTE: If you're loading the binary to a device using a Linux host, yopu must add the udev rules (as described in https://github.com/LedgerHQ/blue-loader-python's README.md.