
my bashrc and vimrc configurations

Primary LanguageShell

Bash that Vim

My Bash and Vim config files. Maybe someone will find'em handy :)

##.bashrc open the file and just a have a look at all the aliases

##.vimrc F2 - toggle paste mode that will keep the indentation intact
F4 - toggle diff of currently opened buffers/splits
F5 - remove all trailing whitespaces
F6 - toggle 80 chars vertical line
F7 - toggle line numbering
F8 - toggle tag lists (require cTags)
F10 - toggle hex view
F12 - toggle visual whitespaces
C-t up/down/left/right - navigate between tabs
C-[hjkl] - navigate between splits/buffers
S - yank a text then use S to replace a word and paster many times

##.inputrc contains a nice bash setting that allows you to search through your history using the up and down arrows. i.e. type "cd /" and press the up arrow and you'll search through everything in your history that starts with "cd /". Thaks to Jude Robinson @ https://coderwall.com/p/oqtj8w

Installation notes

Clone repo:

    git clone https://github.com/kowalcj0/bash-that-vim.git

Initialize all the submodules:

    git submodule init
    git submodule update
    # or in case you had an older version of this repo
    git submodule foreach git pull --rebase origin master
    # do not use
    git submodule update --init
    git pull --recurse-submodules

Create a backup copy of your current cfg files:

    cp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.bak
    cp ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc.bak
    cp ~/.inputrc ~/.inputrc.bak

Delete your old cfg files:

    rm ~/.bashrc 
    rm ~/.vimrc
    rm ~/.inputrc
    rm ~/.profile
    rm ~/.iftoprc
    rm ~/.gitignore

Create new absolute symlinks for all dot files and .vim folder:

    ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/.bashrc ~/.bashrc
    ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
    ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/.inputrc ~/.inputrc
    ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/.vim ~/.vim
    ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/.profile ~/.profile
    ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/.iftoprc ~/.iftoprc
    ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/global_gitignore ~/.gitignore
    ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/.git-prompt.sh ~/.git-prompt.sh
    ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/.git-completion.bash ~/.git-completion.bash

This answer on superuser.com to explains why you need to create those absolute symlinks :)

Load new Bash settings:

    source ~/.bashrc

or simply open new bash session to enable .inputrc

Once that done you can edit your cfg files as usual:

    vim ~/.bashrc 
    vim ~/.vimrc

or use handy aliases:

  • ba for vim ~/.bashrc
  • vv for vim ~/.vimrc

Shortcut tutorials

  • F2 paste code and keep formatting
    alt text
  • F4 toggle diff of currently opened buffers/splits
  • F5 remove all trailing whitespaces
    alt text
  • F6 toggle 80 chars vertical line
    alt text
  • F7 toggle line numbering
    alt text
  • F8 toggle tag lists (require cTags)
    alt text
  • F10 toggle hex view
    alt text
  • F12 toggle visual whitespaces
    alt text
  • press Asterisk to do a visual search
    alt text
  • ctrl+t+arrows move around tabs
    alt text
  • :Dox generate doc template
    alt text
  • R run python script from Vim
    alt text
  • play with EN spellcheker
    alt text
  • ,+c toggle line and column highlight
    alt text
  • iyw then S to replace word multiple time
    alt text
  • move visual block with angle brackets
    alt text

Other tips & tricks

Sync Tomboy Notes using Dropbox

  1. create new folder in the Dropbox folder ie.: tomboy-notes
  2. go to Tomboy'd preferences: Edit -> Preferences -> Synchronisation
  3. Choose "Local folder" from the "Service" dropdown menu
  4. Then point at the folder you've created in the first step
  5. Hit "Close" and continue working :)

Sync Tasque's DB using Dropbox

  1. close tasque

  2. create new folder in the Dropbox folder ie.: tasque-db

  3. move contents of ~/.config/tasque folder to the newly created tasque-db dir

  4. delete the empty ~/.config/tasque

  5. create a symlink:

    ln -s /home/your_user_name/Dropbox/tasque-db tasque
  6. open tasque