
NuGet package support for Visual Studio projects

Primary LanguageC#

This NuGet package provides MsBuild support for Visual Studio projects. It uses MsBuild properties to control how NuGet packages are created and published.

MsBuild Properties

Build Package Properties

RunNuGetPack (True/False) - defaults to False. Creates a NuGet package when the project is compiled.

IncludeBuildVersion (True/False) - defaults to False. Toggles whether the fourth version number (Build) is included in the package version.

UseBuildVersionAsPatch (True/False) - defaults to False. Toggles whether the build number of the assembly is pushed into the third version number (Patch) in the package version.

FileExclusionPattern - defaults to *.CodeAnalysisLog.xml;*.lastcodeanalysissucceeded;*Test*.*. Controls which file paths are excluded from the automatic bundling of files into the package.

Publish Package Properties

RunNuGetPublish (True/False) - defaults to False. Publishes the NuGet package after it has been created.

NuGetServer - no default value. Identifies the NuGet server to publish to. This is passed to nuget.exe which will use nuget.org if no value is provided.

NuGetApiKey - no default value. Defines the ApiKey for publishing the package to the NuGet server.