Please Don't Use This

I made this when I was very new to blockchain development and programming in general. Drizzle sucks (imo) so instead I recommend useDApp. I also recommend you look at Hardhat as an alternative to Truffle. I've kept this repository in case someone still wants to use it but mainly just since I don't like deleting things.

Note: this is not an actual truffle box. You can not use truffle unbox to download it

Drizzle, Next, Typescript and Chakra UI Truffle Box

This also includes:

  • Prettier support for solidity
  • gh-pages
  • @drizzle/react-components types
  • xDai and Ganache support
  • Example greeter contract

The greeter contract is live on xDai and viewable here


  1. Press the green Use this template button (next to the code download button) and create a repository
  2. Download your repository onto your computer
  3. Run npm install
  4. Create a .env file in the root directory and write MNEMONIC=YOUR MNEMONIC HERE
    • For example, MNEMONIC=word1 word2 word3 word4 you get the point
    • This is only necessary if you are deploying to a non-local network
  5. Change the package.json name to your repo name and the author name to your github username

If you want to run the app, setup Ganache and run the following:

  1. truffle migrate
  2. npm run dev

Then go to localhost:3000 in your browser

How This Was Made

This is everything I did to get this setup

  1. npx create-next-app --example with-chakra-ui-typescript
  2. truffle init
  3. delete test folder
  4. Change truffle-config.js:
    1. Add contracts_build_directory: "./src/artifacts/",
    2. Uncomment the development network and change the port to 7545
  5. change build script in package.json to next build && next export
  6. npm install --save-dev prettier prettier-plugin-solidity
  7. npm install @drizzle/store @drizzle/react-plugin @drizzle/react-components
  8. Changed/added a bunch of the default example files
  9. npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider dotenv
  10. Add xDai support
  11. npm i gh-pages