
Backlog API v2 Client Library for Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

BacklogPy - Backlog API v2 Client Library for Python

Build Status Version Downloads Python Version

BacklogPy is Backlog API v2 Client Library for Python 2/3


You can install the client library with pip:

$ pip install BacklogPy


The client Library has API Call methods for All Backlog v2 API:

>>> from BacklogPy import Backlog
>>> backlog = Backlog('space_name','api-key')
>>> response = backlog.get_project_list(all=True, archived=True)
>>> print(response.json()[0])
   {'archived': False,
    'chartEnabled': True,
    'displayOrder': 1234563786,
    'id': 12345,
    'name': 'Coffee Project',
    'projectKey': 'COFFEE_PROJECT',
    'projectLeaderCanEditProjectLeader': True,
    'subtaskingEnabled': False,
    'textFormattingRule': 'markdown',
    'useWikiTreeView': True}

Also you can use dict parameters with '*_raw' methods:

>>> response = backlog.get_project_list_raw({'archived':'false', 'all':'false'})


You can use auto-completion for methods and arguments in Interpreter(IPython) and IDE(PyCharm, Jedi and more)





tox can support to test with few python versions

$ tox
$ tox -e py26,py36

or nosetests for one Python version

$ nosetests tests/backlog

Generating The Backlog API v2 Client

The Backlog API v2 Client is created by api_generator. api_generator downloads API Documents from https://developer.nulab-inc.com/docs/backlog/ . And parse API Documents to generate The Backlog API v2 Client:

$ python3 api_generator/api_generator.py download
$ python3 api_generator/api_generator.py create

Build Wheel Package

$ pip3 install wheel
$ python3 setup.py bdist_wheel