
Simple Online Security

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Simple Online Security

This is a mirror of members.linznet.at/auwe the original website for the Simple Online Security project to http://koyaan.com/sos

Do not use ! For educational purposes only !

Even 1.2 which uses RC4 is now considered broken, 1.0 is trivial XOR encryption. So again: Do not use this for real secret data!

Also code is riddled with bugs, update is waiting on the Post-Quantum Cryptography standardization

$ ./sos 

         Simple Online Security

SOS [input-file] [output-file] [password] [-c]
    [input-file]  file you want to encrypt
    [output-file] name of the encrypted file
    [password]    key for encryption
    [-c]          exclude percentage counter

$ ./sos test.htm crypt.htm ABCDEFG

Encryption is 100.00% done!

Decryption demo password ABCDEFG