= barcodescanner

== Description

Retrieve barcode value from barcode image file

== New in this version

* Build cleanly on OSX/Macports
* Returns a key-value hash rather than concatenated output

== Installation

=== Archive Installation

Checkout code from the repository first, and then:

	rake install
	rake test

== Features/Problems

=== Require Libraries

ImageMagick, zbar(http://zbar.sourceforge.net/)

==== install zbar

if you install zbar to non-x machine, 

	./configure --prefix=/opt/local --disable-video --without-gtk --without-qt

and make, make install.

Omit --prefix=/opt/local if you're building on non-OSX/Macports

== Synopsis

	require 'rubygems'
	require 'barcodescanner'
	# take from test
  expected = 
    [{:type=>"EAN-13", :data=>"1920222007009"},
     {:type=>"ISBN-10", :data=>"4087204251"}]
  result = BarcodeScanner.process_image_file("test.png")
  assert_equal(expected, result)

=== "cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory "

	echo "/usr/local/lib" >> /etc/ld.so.conf

== Copyright

Author::    koyachi <rtk2106@gmail.com>
Modified by:: Vishnu Gopal <g.vishnu@gmail.com>
Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 koyachi