
Inspection framework for arbitrary Go structs.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Inspector is a code-generation framework of special wrappers of arbitrary types and data structures that allows to read/write/iterate fields without using reflection and produce minimum or zero allocations.

Each type-wrapper (next "inspector" or "type-inspector") has name of original type with suffix Inspector and implements Inspector interface.


The main idea: you may read/write/iterate (inspect) structure of arbitrary type in common way. The historical reason of development that framework was dyntpl package and many others. Usually this problem solves using reflection, but that way is extremely slow in general and produces huge amount of allocs on every use of reflect.Value type. There is good library reflect2 that solves 'reflect.Value' problem, but it is also slow. The perfect way if to use type assertion together with hardcoded combinations of all possible paths to type fields. Unfortunately this way isn't a pure "dynamic solution". Let's consider that problem using example:

Let we have type T:

type T struct {
    L1 *L1

type L1 struct {
    L2 *L2

type L2 struct {
    L3 *L3

type L3 struct {
    S string
    I int64
    F float64

with many nested subtypes. And we need to read data of fields for arbitrary path, eg:

  • obj.L1.L2.L3.S
  • obj.L1.L2.L3.F
  • ...

The hard requirement is a "dynamic" paths to fields - at any time may require to read value of any field.

Let's check how that problem may be solved ob showcase:


Solution https://github.com/koykov/versus/blob/master/inspector2/reflect.go#L8

It's a pure dynamic solution, it solves the problem, but benchmark looks bad:

BenchmarkReflect/obj.L1.L2.L3.S-8         	 3119121	       375.6 ns/op	      64 B/op	       5 allocs/op

Speed is not acceptable and too many allocations - they will trigger problems with GC.


Solution https://github.com/koykov/versus/blob/master/inspector2/reflect2.go#L12

It's also pure dynamic solution, and it should solve problem with allocations (cost of use reflect.Value). It's true, but benchmarks shows problems:

BenchmarkReflect2/obj.L1.L2.L3.S-8         	 2973918	       391.3 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op

Allocations problem is solved, but speed is much worse than native reflect due to internal design of reflect2.frozenConfig (it uses sync.Map inside and speed reduces due to sync operations).


Solution https://github.com/koykov/versus/blob/master/inspector2/inspector_test.go#L13 Benchmark https://github.com/koykov/versus/blob/master/inspector2/inspector_test.go#L18

BenchmarkInspector/obj.L1.L2.L3.S-8         	159301698	         7.596 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op

And that speed is acceptable. See explanation is the next chapter.

How it works

As mentioned, the perfect way is using type assertion together with hardcoded combinations of all possible paths to type fields, i.e. zero reflection. Type T allows the following paths combinations:

  • obj.L1.L2.L3.S
  • obj.L1.L2.L3.I
  • obj.L1.L2.L3.F
  • obj.L1.L2.L3
  • obj.L1.L2
  • obj.L1

Type is simple, thus has only 6 combinations. The code considers these combinations looks the following https://github.com/koykov/versus/blob/master/inspector2/inspector2_ins/t_ins.go#L31. So primitive and thus so fast.

But what about big types? They provide hundreds/thousands combinations and write code manually is so big and boring work. The further support is a problem as well. Therefore, this work was automatized writing special code-generation tool.

Additional features

Fields values reading is so important feature, but inspectors also provide features:

Basic types support


For support of basic types (int, uint, float64, ...) was developed special static inspector. It uses in dyntpl and decoder packages for primitive types.


Special for types string and [][]byte was developed inspector strings. See test/bench.


Popular type uses together with encoding/json supported by inspector map[string]any. See test/bench https://github.com/koykov/inspector/blob/master/test/stranymap_test.go