
Blueteam operational triage registry hunting/forensic tool.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Blueteam operational triage registry hunting/forensic tool.

I hope to incorporate more than just registry triage and hunting. I'd love to see this tool become a standalone triage / hunt tool for all Windows persistence mechanisms.

Demo and misc. information on Registry Hunter via Forensic Lunch podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lKinL7f7ak&t=2s

Thank you to https://twitter.com/Hexacorn and https://twitter.com/SBousseaden for their open research. Many of the explicit registry keys and values defined in this tool came from their graciously shared hard work.

Thanks to https://github.com/lilopkins and https://github.com/gentoo90 for the Lnk and Registry Rust crates.

Output is in JSON line delimited.

If you just want the tool, download the reg_hunter_x32.exe and/or reg_hunter_x64.exe binary. Note that you'll want to run the 64 bit binary on a 64 bit OS so that it will not be partially blinded by Windows WOW64 redirection.

Registry key "last_write_time" is included in Registry JSON logs.

The "tags" field is an array populated by any hunts that are a positive match.

I needed a self-contained tool, as when I'm triaging an event, the less files I have to push to a remote device the better. Adding in new hunts and recompiling is simple as well. I also wanted a tool that was not dependent on having a minimum .Net version installed.

NOTE: The "parent_data_type" field specifies the "data_type" that caused the generation of this data type. E.g. If a Lnk file was found in a registry value, this will generate a "ShellLink" data_type with a parent_data_type of "Registry". Then a data_type of "File" with a parent_data_type of "ShellLink" will be generated if the file that the Lnk file points to is found/exists. I.e. Registry --> ShellLink --> File

A file/lnk's meta data will only be collected once no matter how many times it is referenced in registry values.

Add Rust 32 bit target build environment:

    rustup toolchain install stable-i686-pc-windows-msvc
    rustup target add i686-pc-windows-msvc
    rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu

To compile; install Rust and the MSVC 32 and/or 64 bit environment:

    x32:        cargo build --release --target i686-pc-windows-msvc
    x64:        cargo build --release --target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
    Linux x64:  sudo apt update && sudo apt install mingw-w64
                cargo build --release --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
Reg Hunter
    Author: Brian Kellogg
    License: MIT
    Many thanks: @Hexacorn and @SBousseaden
        This tool comes with no warranty or support. 
        If anyone chooses to use it, you accept all responsibility and liability.

    reg_hunter --help
    reg_hunter [options]
    reg_hunter --explicit -f -n [--ip <ip> --port <port>]
    reg_hunter --all [-bcefimnorsuwyz] [--ip <ip> --port <port>] [--limit]
    reg_hunter -a --regex <regex> --path --name --value
    reg_hunter -a -y [--start <start_time> --end <end_time>]

    Registry context (one required):
        -a, --all                   Examine all the registry; HKLM and HKU
        -x, --explicit              Examine only more often forensically interesting keys and values
                                        This option will always report out all 
                                        value names and values unless values are empty/null
        -k, --key <path>            Only examine a specified reg path. [default: NONE]
                                        All sub keys will be examined as well.
                                        Searches both HKLM and HKU hives
                                        format: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion

        -b, --binary                Find possible MZ headers in REG_BINARY values
                                        and possible Base64 encoded MZ headers - e.g. 'TVq'
                                        Tag: MzHeader
        -c, --shell                 Find command shells (cmd.exe, powershell.exe, ...)
                                        Tag: Shell
        -e, --encoding              Find possibly encoded values
                                        Tag: Encoding
        -f, --file                  Find files referenced in registry values 
                                        and collect lnk/file metadata. If a lnk file is found, 
                                        metadata on both the lnk and file it points to will be 
                                        Tag: File
        -g, --link                  Hunt for registry symbolic links
                                        WORK IN PROGRESS
        -i, --ip                    Search for IPv4 addresses
                                        Tag: IPv4
        -l, --rightleft             Hunt for RightToLeft override
                                        Tag: RightToLeft
        -m, --email                 Find email addresses
                                        Tag: Email
        -n, --null                  Hunt for null prefixed value names
                                        Tag: NullPrefixedName
        -o, --obfuscation           Find possibly obfuscated values
                                        Tag: Obfuscation
        -r, --script                Find script files
                                        Tag: Script
        -s, --shellcode             Find possible shellcode
                                        Tag: Shellcode
        -u, --unc                   Find UNC paths
                                        Tag: UNC
        -w, --url                   Find URLs
                                        Tag: URL
        -y, --suspicious            Find various suspicious substrings
                                        e.g. iex, invoke-expression, etc.
                                        Tag: Suspicious
        -z, --everything            Run ALL the hunts

    Time window:
        This option will compare the specified date window to the registry key's 
        last_write_time and only output logs where the last_write_time falls 
        within that window. Window start is inclusive, window end is exclusive. 
        NOTE: key last_write_time can be timestomped.
        --start <UTC_start_time>        Start of time window: [default: 0000-01-01T00:00:00]
                                        format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
        --end <UTC_end_time>            End of time window: [default: 9999-12-31T23:59:59]
                                        format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

    Custom hunts (regex and/or hex required):
        NOTE: A limitation of the regex hunt is that only REG_BINARY values
        that can be successfully converted to a string will be searched.
        -q, --regex <regex>         Custom regex [default: $^]
                                        Does not support look aheads/behinds/...
                                        Uses Rust regex crate (case insensitive and multiline)
                                        Any match will add 'Custom' to the tags field
                                        Tag: RegexHunt
        --hex <string>              Hex search string [default: FF]
                                        Hex string length must be a multiple of two
                                        format: 0a1b2c3d4e5f
                                        Tag: HexHunt
        -j, --path                  Search reg key path
        -t, --name                  Search value name
        -v, --value                 Search reg value

    Network output:
        -d, --destination <ip>      IP address to send output to [default: NONE]
        -p, --port <port>           Destination port to send output to [default: 80]

        -h, --help                  Show this screen
        --limit                     Try to minimize CPU use as much as possible
        --print                     Always output log whether a hunt matched or not
        --outfile <file>            Send output to a line delimted file [default: NONE]
                                        If the file exists, it will be appended to
        --debug                     Print error logs
                                        e.g. access denied to a registry key
                                             failure opening a registry key

    If not run as an administrator some telemetry cannot be harvested.

    Only logs that are matched by a hunt are printed out unless the --print
    or --explicite argument is used.

    An error log with tag of 'HiddenKey' will be generated if any registry key
    that fails to open is identified as a maliciously hidden key.
        e.g. Key path ends with a unicode null character.

    The output is mostly meant to be fed into some hunting backend. But,
    there are some built in hunts; --null, --binary, ...

    Depending on the options used, considerable output can be generated.

    To capture output remotely, start a netcat listener on your port of choice.
    Use the -k option with netcat to prevent netcat from closing after a TCP connection is closed.

    Files larger than 256MB will not be hashed.
Example commands:

reg_hunter --all --null

  • Search the entire registry for null hidden keys

reg_hunter --all --print --start 2022-11-01T00:00:00

  • Print out all changed registry keys since November 1st 2022
  • Great tactic for finding malicious entries when you know the start date of a possible compromise

reg_hunter --key "system\CurrentControlSet\Services" --print

  • Print out all registry keys and values found under the given registry location

reg_hunter --key "system\CurrentControlSet\Services" --everything

  • Run all hunts against the given registry location

reg_hunter --explicit --everything

  • Run all hunts against just the more forensically interesting registry keys and values

reg_hunter -abcsy

  • Run the following hunts against the entire registry: binary, shell, shellcode, suspicious
Example JSON logs:
  "parent_data_type": "",
  "data_type": "Registry",
  "timestamp": "2020-11-24T17:29:48.822",
  "device_name": "DESKTOP-NDPUHM4",
  "device_domain": "DESKTOP-NDPUHM4",
  "device_type": "Windows 10",
  "registry_hive": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",
  "registry_key": "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run",
  "registry_value_name": "evil_too",
  "registry_type": "REG_SZ",
  "registry_value": "C:\\Temp\\evil.txt.lnk",
  "last_write_time": "2020-11-24T17:24:30.515",
  "tags": [

   "device_type":"Windows 10",
   "registry_value":"[00, 00, 00, 4d, 5a, 90, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]",

  "parent_data_type": "Registry",
  "data_type": "ShellLink",
  "timestamp": "2020-11-24T17:29:48.818",
  "path": "c:\\temp\\evil.txt.lnk",
  "target_path": "C:\\evil.txt",
  "last_access_time": "2020-11-24T17:29:48.818",
  "last_write_time": "2020-11-07T14:14:08.711",
  "creation_time": "2020-11-07T14:13:06.694",
  "size": 769,
  "hidden": true,
  "arguments": "",
  "hotkey": "NO_MODIFIER-NoKeyAssigned"

  "parent_data_type": "Registry",
  "data_type": "File",
  "timestamp": "2020-11-24T17:29:48.822",
  "path": "c:\\temp\\evil.txt.lnk",
  "md5": "0fcba6e9dd09e1cb497454f0b256b490",
  "mime_type": "application/octet-stream",
  "last_access_time": "2020-11-24T17:29:48.818",
  "last_write_time": "2020-11-07T14:14:08.711",
  "creation_time": "2020-11-07T14:13:06.694",
  "size": 769,
  "hidden": true

  "parent_data_type": "ShellLink",
  "data_type": "File",
  "timestamp": "2020-11-24T17:29:48.821",
  "path": "C:\\evil.txt",
  "md5": "1df1eae8c6c44484a840a40a0543cc59",
  "mime_type": "text/plain",
  "last_access_time": "2020-11-24T17:29:48.820",
  "last_write_time": "2020-11-24T17:23:26.245",
  "creation_time": "2020-11-24T17:23:17.173",
  "size": 16,
  "hidden": true

  "parent_data_type": "Error",
  "data_type": "Registry",
  "timestamp": "2020-12-06T20:56:42.113",
  "device_name": "DESKTOP-NDPUHM4",
  "device_domain": "DESKTOP-NDPUHM4",
  "device_type": "Windows 10",
  "registry_hive": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",
  "registry_key": "SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Systems Internals\\Can't touch me!\u0000",
  "registry_value_name": "ERROR_READING",
  "registry_type": "REG_ERROR",
  "registry_value": "ERROR_READING",
  "last_write_time": "",
  "tags": [
  "error": "The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)"