Quick and easy way to build your product tours with Twitter Bootstrap Popovers.
Compatible with Bootstrap <= 3.0.0
- Add the smooth scrolling when the popover is outside the viewport
- Define an appropriate tag + milestone system
Feel free to contribute with pull requests, bug reports or enhancement suggestions.
We use Grunt and Jasmine. Both make your lives easier ;)
Install the dependencies
npm install -d
Files to be developed are located under ./src/
and ./test/spec/
Compiled sources are then automatically put under ./build/
and ./test/build/
The following ones are the aliases for multiple tasks. You can also run every task separately:
// alias for watch:default
grunt default
// alias for connect, open, watch:doc
grunt run
// alias for clean:default, coffeelint, coffee:default, coffee:doc, less, uglify, copy
grunt build
// alias for clean:test, coffeelint:test, coffee:test, jasmine
grunt test
Code licensed under the Apache License v2.0. Documentation licensed under CC BY 3.0. Well, the same licenses as Bootstrap. We are lazy! ;)