
Displays the current game state for Harvest Moon 64 when played in OpenEmu.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

HM64 Dashboard

This is an in-progress side project I have been working on to display the game state for Harvest Moon 64. It is meant to be used alongside OpenEmu (v2.2.1) with a z64 ROM on MacOS.

Getting Started

Python 3 is required for this project. You can download the dependencies using pip:

Server dependencies:

python3 -m venv ./src/server/venv
source src/server/venv/bin/activate
pip install -r src/server/requirements.txt

Client dependencies:

brew install elm


With OpenEmu running and a x64 HM64 ROM named harvest_moon_64.z64 loaded, you can start the server using the command below. If the ROM is named differently, you will need to edit constants.py in src/server. Note that if there are spaces in the rom name they should be changed to hyphens '-'. For example if the ROM name is 'Harvest Moon 64 (U) [!]', then pass 'Harvest-Moon-64-(U)-[!]' as the argument.

sudo python src/server/server.py

I plan to change this so that the constants file just becomes a series of optional command line arguments.

Right now the server locates and returns a JSON object containing information about game state. Current features include:

  • NPC: affection, conversation, gifts, location bytes
  • Player Data: name, stamina, max stamina, happiness, fatigue, alcohol tolerance, sick day total
  • Menu Data: tools, belongings, items, bottle contents, year, season, day, weekday, time, gold
  • Dog/Horse: names, age, whistled, held/brushed/ridden
  • Animal Data: type, name, affection, birthday, age, condition, condition counter, fed, brushed, milked, milk type, fodder remaining
  • Chicken Data: type, name, fed, holding, condition, starve counter, location, chicken feed remaining
  • Tools: number of uses, level, water remaining
  • Other: farm name, gold in shipping bin, lumber, number of fish caught, weather today, weather tomorrow

I will be adding more features, but welcome any requests that you might have.


The client is an elm application that queries the server for data, and displays it in real time.

To run:

cd src/client
open index.html


A big thanks to kirbyarm and SomeCrazyGuy for their efforts in locating game shark codes and digging into game mechanics for Harvest Moon 64. Having their guides gave me a good starting point for analyzing ROM memory and developing this dashboard.