
Primary LanguageC


Chai is a low level library libchai.so that provides a set of functions to communicate to devices attached to CAN bus. For details see

Build and install

To build the Chai library use the command

make build

Before trying to install the Chai library make sure that a user has necessary permissions

  • R/W access to /usr/local/lib
  • permissions to run ldconfig
  • /usr/local/lib must be listed in the /etc/ld.so.conf

When you are ready run the command (use sudo if necessary)

make install

Useful notes


If usb-can adapter is used to interact with can devices then you need to install FTDI driver which provides D2XX interface. For details see the link.

Permissions for USB devices

Usually desktop Linux users on Ubuntu are members of the adm group and on Fedora they are members or the wheel group. You can either directly change the group of the USB devices available on the system with the following command

find /dev/bus/usb -type c | sudo xargs chown root:${GROUP_NAME}

or you can change the udev rules so that udev creates USB devices with the necessary permissions. Modify appropriately the file 99.usb.rules and put it to /etc/udev/rules.d/ and then run the following command

udevadm trigger

Raspberry Pi

For ARM device you need to chose a proper version of the FTDI driver. If unsure which ARM version to use, compare the output of readelf and file commands on a system binary with the content of release/build/libftd2xx.txt in each FTDI driver package.

We tested with this version libftd2xx-arm-v7-hf-1.4.24