Used versions

Deploy kubevirt

Deploy namespace, CRD, RBAC and kubevirt operator.

kubectl apply -f kubevirt-operator.yaml

Deploy kubevirt CR

kubectl apply -f kubevirt-cr.yaml

This will deploy custom kubevirt build (v.0.28.0) which

  • runs VM instances with privileged containers
  • runs VM containers without default apparmor profile
  • mounts the whole /sys and /dev inside VM containers (needed for SR-IOV)

Build and push custom kubevirt images

The customization is available here The docker image which is used for deployment is

git clone -b branch-0.28.0
cd kubevirt
export DOCKER_TAG=kubevirt73
make && make push

Deploy SR-IOV device plugin

SR-IOV device plugin is used to dynamically allocate VFs using filtered VF pools.

First let's label nodes with SR-IOV network insterfaces

kubectl label nodes cmp01 sriov=true

Now let's deploy SR-IOV daemonset (in the deployment manifest you can configure the interface name, PCI address range, etc.)

kubectl apply -f sriovdp.yaml 

Deploy CNI plugins


Install Multus CRD

kubectl apply -f multus-crd.yaml

Multus plugin requires admin kubeconfig. To generate it use this

# requires kubectl installed

Then copy generated kubeconfig file to compute node

scp multus.kubeconfig cmp01:/etc/kubernetes/multus.kubeconfig

Deploy Multus CNI meta plugin on compute node

cp multus /opt/cni/bin
cp 00-multus.conf /etc/cni/net.d

Multus is looking for delegate plugin configurations

  • first in the kube-system network-attachment-definition CR by name
  • second in the /etc/cni/net.d files by names defined inside files (NOT filenames)

Multus config defines clusterNetwork equal to calico-k8s-network. This is the name of the calico network. Calico cni config with the name must be placed here /etc/cni/net.d. It is important that calico must be configured so that IP forwarding is enabled inside containers. It must contain this

    "container_settings": {
        "allow_ip_forwarding": true


Deploy SR-IOV CNI plugin

cp sriov /opt/cni/bin

Deploy SR-IOV network-attachment-definition (default namespace)

kubectl apply -f sriov-cr.yaml

Configure this how necessary (vlan, ipam, master interface)

Start VM pod

Deploy VM instance. Take a look at what is defined in the network and interfaces sections

kubectl apply -f vmi-sriov.yaml

To build custom image use Dockerfile in the repo. Modify if needed.

docker build -t kubevirt73/xenial:latest .
docker push kubevirt73/xenial:latest

It is also possible to use PVCs as VM images using containerized data importer.