
Master server emulator

Primary LanguageC++

Thats not mine sources. But I want revive this emu.



  • Visual Studio 2010 or higher (Windows), gcc 4.7 or higher (Linux)
  • Boost C++ libraries v1.54.0 (you might have build them with the parameter "cxxflags=-std=gnu++11" in Linux to avoid some linking issues with boost::filesystem)
  • OpenSSL v1.0.1j (newer versions might work too but the ones listed here were used to build the latest version of the emulator)


  • Project files are included with the source files in the "src" folder
  • [Windows] mase_bc2.sln/.vcxproj/.vcxproj.filters for VS2010
  • [Linux] mase_bc2.cbp for C::B (should also be possible to generate a makefile from it)
  • To be able to properly build it you'll need to change the Include and Linker directories in the project settings first, replace all occurrences of "$(BOOST_1_54_DIR)" and "$(OPEN_SSL_DIR)" with the locations where you installed these libraries

Final Notes(from previous developer):

I have written ~95% of the code myself (regarding the source files that I included here, code from the external libraries doesn't count of course), the rest I either copied 1:1 or just slightly modified it for my needs. The according code sections in the files are:

Also I would like to mention that when I wrote this project, I was rather new to coding bigger stuff in general (though it certainly was a great experience for me) and I would probably do quite a few things differently nowadays if I had the time and motivation to do it. So if you consider any of the code that I have written as bad/terrible regarding performance/structure/functioning then feel free to change anything you want or if thats too much work for you, just don't use the entire emulator and look for a different solution (I'm not forcing you to use it). With that being said though, if you do change something in the code and release it somewhere, I would very much appreciate it if you would at least credit me for my work :)

Last but not least, you may be wondering why I didn't include the source code for the hook. The answer is simply because I don't think anything new would come out of it, the already implemented features should be more than enough to play around with and as far as I can tell there should be no bugs left (that could be fixed in the hook). But if you are concerned about there being some "malicious" code in it, I can only assure you that the code is free from such things. And if you don't believe me feel free not to use it, the hook is just meant as a bonus anyway and you can always do the required modifications yourself to redirect the game client/server to the emulator.


Developers (Emulator+Hook):

  • Triver

Packet Logging and Server stuff:

  • Triver
  • Rodney (after Alpha 0.8)
  • bcool (up to Alpha 0.8)

Beta Testers:

  • Rodney
  • Jack
  • Michl2007
  • Happy Chicken

Special Thanks:

  • Domo and Freaky123 (for sharing the Server Files and the v10.0 source code)
  • Aluigi (for the tools that made it possible to view and record the BF:BC2 network traffic)
  • DICE (for making the game)


./bootstrap.sh && ./b2 install --prefix=/home/user/myproject/lib/boosted


./config --prefix=/home/user/myproject/lib/ssl --openssldir=/home/user/myproject/lib/openssldir shared && make && make test && make install


./config enable-ssl3 enable-ssl2 --prefix=/home/user/myproject/lib/ssl --openssldir=/home/user/myproject/lib/openssldir shared && make && make test && make install