
My hammerspoon configuration

Primary LanguageLua

Hammerspoon configuration

Install hammerspoon

brew install caskroom/cask/hammerspoon

Use this configuration

git clone https://github.com/kozko2001/hammerspoon $HOME/.hammerspoon
cd $HOME/.hammerspoon


Window management

  • Cmd + Ctrl + Alt + (Left / Right): Move the windows and resize them
  • Cmd + Ctrl + Alt + Up: Maximizes the focused window
  • Cmd + Ctrl + Alt + Shift + (Left / Right): Move the current window to another screen


  • Cmd + Ctrl + Alt + c: Opens Chrome
  • Cmd + Ctrl + Alt + t: Opens iTerm
  • Cmd + Ctrl + Alt + f: Opens Finder
  • Cmd + Ctrl + Alt + e: Opens Emacs
  • Cmd + Ctrl + Alt + s: Opens Slack
  • Cmd + Ctrl + Alt + p: Opens KeePassXC
  • Cmd + Ctrl + Alt + p: Opens KeePassXC


  • Cmd + Ctrl + Alt + f1: Toogle emojis searcher
  • Cmd + Ctrl + Alt + v: Show clipboard history

Music Player (Vox)

brew install caskroom/cask/vox
  • Cmd + Ctrl + Alt + Shift + p: Plays music
  • Cmd + Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1/2: Next/Prev song