
Control IoT/ Smart home with SMS messages V1.0 !D

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This project extends the ability of smart homes by creating an almost real time SMS to RaspberryPi connection. In this sample repo, a LED is coded in to activate from Raspberry Pi's GPIO04 pin once the SMS message "LED on" is sent to a specific phone number, and could be turned off by texting "LED off".

How to use:


Please install the following prior launching the application.



For Raspberry Pi ONLY:
  1. Signup for Twilio and get their auth ID's after signing up for a free trial of a phone number. (Public and Private)
  2. Replace the corresponding constants in src/main/java/ui/Main.java with the auth ID's.
  3. Connect your LED to GPIO04 with the pin numbering scheme
  4. Open a terminal inside the first layer of HomeParser directory and type mvn clean package followed by mvn install to create a executable .jar file inside target/
  5. run sudo java -jar target/maven-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in the same terminal
  6. A web server should now run on localhost:4567
  7. Port forward or use ngrok -> In your installation directory of ngrok, run ./ngrok http 4567. ngrok should then give you a web address, save this.
  8. On Twilio, click on your active number and go into configure, scroll all the way down to the messaging part and paste in http://[ngrok address from step 7]/sms or http://[your port forwarded address]/sms.
  9. Text "LED on" or "LED off" to the Twilio active number and watch your LED turn on.

How to modify it for your raspberry pi functions:

To be finished.

How it works:


In short: The SMS, "LED on" sends to a Twilio phone number and they send a webhook (POST) to a Raspberry Pi's Spark web server, the Raspberry Pi at home then parse it and set output of its corresponding pin to high and lights up the LED.

Code associated with:





-Raspberry Pi

What I've learned




-Port forwarding

-Spark (Java web server)

-Pi4J (Raspberry Pi for Java)

-Webhook technology

Project compiled with Maven.