


This project is my implementation of a computer science classic, John Conway's "Game of Life."

The program simulates cellular automaton and allows the user to observe how their initial
cellular/population configuration will evolve over time based on the rules of the game.


The app is live and users can interact with it HERE

Users can set generation 0 by clicking on the individual cells, or start with a random population.

Users can see the next generation one at a time, or start the simulation and adjust simulation speed.


The app was built using React, & bootstrapped with create-react-app.

The styling was implemented with pure CSS.

The finished project is deployed on Vercel.

Project status

At this time, this project is shipped and not being developed further. There are no known bugs.

Future direction

Going forward, one feature that would be useful to implement is to add population presets. Currently, there is the option to start with a random population, but the classical Game of Life yields some interesting population formations, such as glider guns, spaceships, and pulsars. It might be of interest to the users to start with one of those special populations and see how they change over time.