
Audience already know a bit of Clojure. This talk won't cover basics of Clojure like syntax etc for the sake of time.

Clojure Script Hello world

(ns hello-world.core)


(println "Hello world!")

Compiling a cljs file just using the ClojureScript compiler

Fetch the stand alone clojurescript compiler from (here)[]

Create the build config (build.clj)

(require '

( "src"
 :output-to "out/main.js"})

Now compile the java -cp cljs.jar:src clojure.main build.clj

Create an index.html file to load the compiled output

Now that we have the compiled javascript output, we can run this and see if it works. The easiest way to run this code sample is load this file in web browser. For this we need to create an html skelton.

        <script type="text/javascript" src="out/main.js"></script>

#### Compile using the ClojureScript compiler

java -cp cljs.jar:src clojure.main build.clj

Take a look at the ~out~ directory. You should see a structure similar to the following

total 8 drwxr-xr-x 5 kp staff 170 Jan 18 15:13 cljs drwxr-xr-x 12 kp staff 408 Jan 18 15:13 goog drwxr-xr-x 6 kp staff 204 Jan 18 15:30 hello_world -rw-r--r-- 1 kp staff 295 Jan 18 15:13 main.js

Let's take a look at how the core.js file looks. This is what you should see in that directory

// Compiled by ClojureScript 1.9.293 {} goog.provide('hello_world.core'); goog.require('cljs.core');;,"Hello world!");


### How does it work?
### Different Javascript platforms that ClojureScript supports
### Major differences from Clojure.
### Clojure Script interoperability with Javascript
### Targeting Clojure and ClojureScript in the same code base
### Tooling 
   * Editor integration, how does it work with emacs repl
   * Figwheel