
Arch based distro for leet™ people

Primary LanguageShell


aflit is an Arch distro for leet™ people. It comes with some packages popular among the Arch community and terminal fanboys, some of which include:

  • i3 window manager (tiling WMs ftw!)
  • ranger (file manager)
  • rofi (window switcher and application picker)
  • feh (viewing images)
  • scrot (screenshot taker)
  • ttf-inconsolata (monsospaced font)

It also features the regular packages one expects in a regular install like xorg, common video drivers, a browser (firefox), alsa, document reader (zathura) and other things all pre-setup to give a balance of the unixy feel with intuitive customizations and sane defaults. Everything should just work out of the box.

aflit is distributed for 64 Bit installs only. The official Arch ISO contains packages for both 32 Bit and 64 Bit variants which makes it heavier than required. aflit is just 700 MBs with all the extra packages and fonts bundled!


sample screeny

Getting Started

You can grab the latest image at https://www.dropbox.com/s/snkvvypn7v4c3us/archlinux-2016.05.05.iso?dl=0.

Please verify the integrity of the downloaded image with the following hashes:

  • md5sum: 222dd87e614b17bfb368ff160dfd3cf2 archlinux-2016.05.05.iso
  • sha1sum: 264085a5d76c4fdae0cbd3299686474c5fdd905f archlinux-2016.05.05.iso

Boot through the ISO via your favorite method, and use the following credentials to login in the live environment:

  • username: newser
  • password: reswen

You'd be greeted by the fish shell. To connect to wifi, you may use the standard wifi-menu command. To launch X, just use startx and you'd be greeted with a cleanly customized i3 desktop.

You can then use the standard i3 shortcut bindings with the Modifier key set to Super, documented at http://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html.

Quick shortcut list:

  • Super+D to select a program to launch
  • Super+P window switcher
  • Super+F1 launch ranger
  • Super+Enter launch terminal
  • Super+F2 launch vim
  • Super+W switched to tabbed layout
  • Super+<n> switch to nth workspace
  • Super+Shift+<n> shift active window to nth workspace


  • Documentation
    • Feel free to start a wiki on this repo if you can read the customizations in the dotfiles :)
  • More screenshots




Awal Garg