
testing websockets daphne

Primary LanguagePython


Django Template for Saas projects.

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Download fresh Djangitos project template, rename the project folder and copy local development .env file.

curl -sSL https://github.com/appliku/djangitos/archive/refs/heads/master.zip > djangitos.zip
unzip djangitos.zip

mv djangitos-master drfswagger_tutorial
cd drfswagger_tutorial
cp start.env .env

Run the project with:

docker-compose up

Apply migrations with:

docker-compose run web python manage.py migrate

Create a super user account:

docker-compose run web python manage.py makesuperuser

The output of the last command will display the login and password for the admin user that was created, like this:

admin user not found, creating one
A superuser was created with email admin@example.com and password xLV9i9D7p8bm

Open and login with these credentials.