
EEG rhythm separation based on multivariate iterative filtering.

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


EEG rhythm separation based on multivariate iterative filtering.

We have proposed an adaptive multivariate EEG rhythm separation method based on multivariate iterative filtering [1]. You may get the Matlab code for multivariate iterative filtering on the website: https://github.com/kpdas95/MIF.

Please cite the following reference:

[1] Kritiprasanna Das and Ram Bilas Pachori. "Schizophrenia detection technique using multivariate iterative filtering and multichannel EEG signals." Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 67 (2021): 102525.

[2] Kritiprasanna Das, Vivek Kumar Singh, and Ram Bilas Pachori. "Introduction to EEG signal recording and processing." Artificial Intelligence Enabled Signal Processing based Models for Neural Information Processing. CRC Press, 2024. 1-19.

For any queries or help, please feel free to write an email to kpdas95@gmail.com. I will be happy to help. Any kind of suggestions is also most welcome.

Important: you need to download and unzip the code for MIF (https://github.com/kpdas95/MIF) on the working directory to use the EEG rhythm separation code.