This repository contains source code for the following papers:
- "Seamless retrievals of chlorophyll-a from Sentinel-2 (MSI) and Sentinel-3 (OLCI) in inland and coastal waters: A machine-learning approach". N. Pahlevan, et al. (2020). Remote Sensing of Environment. 111604. 10.1016/j.rse.2019.111604.
- "Robust algorithm for estimating total suspended solids (TSS) in inland and nearshore coastal waters". S.V. Balasubramanian, et al. (2020). Remote Sensing of Environment. 111768. 10.1016/j.rse.2020.111768. Code.
The package can be cloned into a directory with:
git clone
The code may then either be used as a library, such as with the following:
from MDN import image_estimates, get_tile_data, get_sensor_bands
sensor = "<S2A, S2B, or OLCI>"
# Tile should be the output of an atmospheric correction program e.g. SeaDAS
bands, Rrs = get_tile_data("path/to/my/", sensor, allow_neg=False)
estimates = image_estimates(Rrs, sensor=sensor)
chlor_a = estimates[0]
# Or, with just random data:
import numpy as np
rand_data = np.dstack([np.random.rand(3,3) for band in get_sensor_bands(sensor)])
estimates = image_estimates(rand_data, sensor=sensor)
chlor_a = estimates[0]
Or, a .csv file may be given as input, with each row as a single sample. The .csv contents should be only the Rrs values to be estimated on (i.e. no header row or index column).
python3 -m MDN --sensor <S2A, S2B, or OLCI> path/to/my/Rrs.csv
Note: The user-supplied input values should correspond to Rrs (units of 1/sr).
Current performance is shown in the following scatter plots, with 50% of the data used for training and 50% for testing. Note that the models supplied in this repository are trained using 100% of the in situ data, and so observed performance may differ slightly.