Pixi Seed
This project is designed to bootstrap your Pixi.js development with modern tooling, technology and project organisation. Use as boilerplate for your next project.
Webpack with ES6 provides a more class based approach to Pixi.js development and allows you to include assets within your JS. Reactman enables you to quickly add code to your project and the using Redux Stores helps keep your data in one place.
The project comes with Render and Animation stores and a ScaledContainer to help work across multiple devices with a ‘best-fit’ rendering methodology.
V3 Updates
- Change stores to REDUX
- Update to Webpack V2
- Update to Pixi V4.6
- Update to es6-tween
- Added a loader
- Add actions and action types to Stores (https://github.com/erikras/ducks-modular-redux)
- Script to redo package.json on new project
- Add a screen manager
Getting started
Clone the project, remove the git repository and get going:
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/edwinwebb/pixi-seed.git my-project
cd my-project
rm -rf .git
npm install
npm start
Then visit http://localhost:8080
You can configure your canvas size in the AppConstants.js file.
export const canvasWidth = 1920;
export const canvasHeight = 1080;
The ScaledObjectContainer used in entry.js will try a best fit approach. You can turn this off by using a standard Container instead.
npm scripts
npm start
- Build and start the app in development mode at http://localhost:8080npm run build
- Run a production build, outputs to ./build/npm run lint
- Lint your codenpm run reactman
- Generate code for a DisplayObject or Store
Static assets
asset files from within your JavaScript component files. To add more
filetypes, look at the webpack.config.js and add a file loader.
// Filename: app.js
import assetURL from './logo.png';
Removing the bootstrapped files
It's as easy as removing all the child folders in ./app/ then emptying entry.js.
Copyright (c) 2017 Edwin Webb