
Docker for Symfony application

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


A symfony project running on multiple Docker containers. Docker Compose is used for orchestration.


To use the SymDock, you must install the latest version of Docker and Docker Compose or Docker Toolbox on your computer.

Activate NFS (OS X only)

If you are using OSX, you need to activate NFS for an existing boot2docker box created through Docker Machine.

$ curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adlogix/docker-machine-nfs/master/docker-machine-nfs.sh | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-nfs > /dev/null && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-nfs

$ docker-machine-nfs dev -f --nfs-config="-alldirs -maproot=root"

$ docker-machine ssh dev df

For more details, see https://github.com/adlogix/docker-machine-nfs


  1. Clone this repository:

     $ git clone git@github.com:kpeu3i/symdock.git ~/symdock
  2. Go to the cloned folder:

     $ cd ~/symdock 
  3. Run:

     $ make init

You are done! Fresh Symfony application is available at (for OS X, check your ip docker-machine ip dev).

Other services:

Advanced configuration

You can adapt .env file to your needs:

  • COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME - project name
  • SYMDOCK_SYMFONY_VOLUME_PATH - absolute path to Symfony directory to share your code among containers (only in dev)
  • SYMDOCK_PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME - absolute path to ssh private key to access a private repositories from containers (optional)
  • SYMDOCK_HOST_UID - host uid to map it with "www-data" uid in containers (only in dev)
  • SYMDOCK_HOST_GID - host guid to map it with "www-data" gid in containers (only in dev)
  • SYMDOCK_SYMFONY_REPOSITORY - ssh or https url to git repository with a Symfony application
  • SYMDOCK_SYMFONY_REPOSITORY_BRANCH - custom git branch (optional)
  • SYMDOCK_COMPOSER_CONTAINER - container to run composer commands
  • SYMDOCK_NGINX_PORT - Nginx port
  • SYMDOCK_RABBITMQ_MANAGER_PORT - RabbitMQ web-admin port
  • SYMDOCK_ELASTICSEARCH_API_PORT - Elasticsearch web-api port
  • SYMDOCK_ELASTICSEARCH_SERVICE_PORT - Elasticsearch TCP transport port
  • SYMDOCK_ELASTICSEARCH_LOGS_API_PORT - Elasticsearch (logs) api port
  • SYMDOCK_ELASTICSEARCH_LOGS_SERVICE_PORT - Elasticsearch (logs) TCP transport port
  • SYMDOCK_PHPMYADMIN_PORT - PhpMyAdmin web-admin port
  • SYMDOCK_KIBANA_PORT - Kibana web-admin port
  • SYMDOCK_FLUENTD_PORT - Fluentd port

Useful scripts

Build all Docker images:

$ make build

Force rebuild all Docker images:

$ make rebuild

Check containers status:

$ make status

Stop containers:

$ make stop

Start containers:

$ make start

Start containers:

$ make restart

Install composer packages:

$ make composer-install

Update composer packages:

$ make composer-update

Run a command

You can run one-shot command inside any container, for example:

$ docker-compose exec --user www-data php app/console cache:clear