
Native tooltips and popovers for Ember.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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The addon's dummy application needs a serious upgrade. I @tylerturdenpants have removed as much orf the support on flexi and flexi styles that I can, but the dummy app will still produces warnings regarding SASS division.

Additionally, this app likely has support beyond ember 3.24, but test fail locally since not all babel related issues during testing have been resolved.

As the only supporter of this addon, a father, and a full time employee at a software company, I really need the help to fully pull flexi out and to revamp the dummy app. Once these blockers are removed I can do the work to bring this addon into the future.

  • Ember.js v3.12 or above
  • Ember CLI v3.13 or above
  • Node.js v10 or above

Tooltips and popovers made easy. Just drop an {{#attach-tooltip}} or {{#attach-popover}} in a parent and your popper is ready to go!

  Click me

    I'm a tooltip!

<button class="other-button">
  No click me!

  {{#attach-popover class="ember-attacher-popper"
    I'm a popover!

See the example site for a demonstration of all available options.


ember install ember-attacher



A popover attacher.

  • Has no default class or roles.
  • Does not modify the target in any way.
  • Adds aria-hidden attribute to the popper element


A tooltip attacher. Subclass of {{#attach-popover}}

  • Has the default class 'ember-attacher-popper ember-attacher-tooltip'

    • The default tooltip classes can be modified by altering the tooltipClass default. See here for details on editing default values.
  • Default role attribute of tooltip.

  • Causes the target to gain an aria-describedby attribute set to the tooltip's ID.


Below is a list of all available options, along with their defaults.

  // The animation used to present the animation.
  // Options: ['fade', 'fill', 'none', 'perspective', 'scale', 'shift']
  animation: 'fill',

  // Whether or not an arrow will be displayed next to the attachment.
  arrow: false,

  // A class that will be applied to the attachment.
  class: null,

  // The flip priority of the attacment.
  // Space-delimited string, any combination of ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']
  // Example: 'left top bottom'
  flip: null,

  // The delay, in milliseconds, before the attachment will be hidden.
  hideDelay: 0,

  // The duration, in milliseconds, of the hide animation.
  hideDuration: 300,

  // Events that will cause the attachment to hide, typically in reference to the target.
  // Space-delimited string, any combination of:
  // ['click', 'clickout', 'mouseleave blur escapekey']
  hideOn: 'mouseleave blur escapekey',

  // Interactive tooltips will not close when clicked or hovered over.
  interactive: false,

  // Set this to true if you have an interactive attachment that hides on mouseout and the
  // attachment is offset from its target. This should only be the case if you are using custom
  // CSS that offsets that attachment.
  isOffset: false,

  // Whether or not the attachment is initially shown.
  isShown: false,

  // If true, the attachment will only be inserted into the DOM on the first "show" trigger.
  // Useful for performance reasons, but will hide your attachment from search engines.
  lazyRender: false,

  // An options object that will be merged into popperOptions.
  modifiers: null,

  // A function to be fired when the attachment's visibility changes. The new visibility is passed
  // to the function as an arg.
  onChange: null,

  // The initial position of the attachment.
  // Options: ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']
  placement: 'top',

  // The container where the attachment's DOM will be inserted.
  popperContainer: '.ember-application',

  // An options object that will be passed to Popper.js, the positioning library.
  popperOptions: null,

  // NOT RECOMMENDED: We currently allow you to pass an explicit target, but this may be removed
  // in a future release.
  // Please provide your thoughts here: https://github.com/kybishop/ember-attacher/issues/109
  popperTarget: null,

  // Whether or not to render the attachment in place in the DOM, as opposed to
  // on the popperContainer. NOTE: Rendering in place can cause z-index issues.
  renderInPlace: false,

  // The delay, in milliseconds, before the attachment will be shown.
  showDelay: 0,

  // The duration, in milliseconds, of the show animation.
  showDuration: 300,

  // Events on the target that will cause the attachment to show. For performance reasons, we
  // recommend using some combination of 'mouseenter', 'focus', and 'click'
  showOn: 'mouseenter focus',

  // Whether to add event listeners for attachment show and hide in the capturing phase rather
  // than the bubbling phase. This should be set to true when there are elements on the page that
  // are stopping event propagation in the bubbling phase, and as a result preventing correct
  // showing and hiding of popovers and tooltips.
  useCapture: false

User-defined defaults

User-defined defaults can be set in the consuming app or addon's config/environment.js. These defaults will be applied to every {{#attach-popover}} and {{#attach-tooltip}}

// config/environment.js

module.exports = function(environment) {
  var ENV = {
    emberAttacher: {
      animation: 'shift',
      arrow: true

You can also set the user-defined defaults separately like so:

// config/environment.js

module.exports = function(environment) {
  var ENV = {
    emberAttacher: {
      tooltip: {
        animation: 'fade',
        arrow: true
      popover: {
        animation: 'shift',
        arrow: false

And finally you can do shared defaults along with user-defined separated defaults:

// config/environment.js

module.exports = function(environment) {
  var ENV = {
    emberAttacher: {
      showDuration: 300,
      hideDuration: 300,
      tooltip: {
        animation: 'fade',
        arrow: true
      popover: {
        animation: 'shift',
        arrow: false

The full list of editable defaults can be seen here.


ember-attacher provides styles for the default tooltip class, ember-attacher-tooltip, but no styles are included for {{attach-popover}}.

Example styling for a popover can be found in the dummy app. Note how the arrow must also be styled to match the popover (background color, size, etc.)


Use the isVisible() test helper to check if an attachment is visible.

import { click, find } from 'ember-native-dom-helpers';
import { isVisible } from 'ember-attacher';

test('example', async function(assert) {
    <button id="toggle">
      Click me, captain!

      {{#attach-popover id='attachment'
        Click-toggled popover

  const attachment = find('#attachment');

  assert.equal(isVisible(attachment), false, 'Initially hidden');

  await click('#toggle');

  // You can also pass in a selector
  assert.equal(isVisible('#attachment'), true, 'Now shown');

Development setup

See the Contributing guide for details.


How animations are implemented

Attachments are composed of two containers:

The outer container is positioned right next to the target via the CSS transform property. The inner container is required because animations also use transform, which would otherwise conflict with the container's position.

transform and tansition-duration are the CSS magic that allows animations to smoothly shift up/down, left/right, etc.

Note that animations require an implementation for each position (left, right, top, and bottom):
