There are no examples and barely any documentation, so use this at your own risk
I'm planning to properly document this at some point, but for now it's mostly for personal use
If you dare to try you can either:
- Clone the repo and use it as a template
- Clone the repo and add copy individual addons from the addons folder into your project
mom can we have FMOD?
no we have FMOD at home
FMOD at home:
- SoundEffect Resource
- An abstraction that allows you to set volume, volume variance, pitch and pitch variance on a resource
- You can preview the sound in the editor. Easy to tweak
- SingleSoundEffect and MultiSoundEffect
- Both extend the same base class. Where you can use one you can also use the other
- MultiSoundEffect chooses a random sound from a weighted pool of sounds
- SoundEffectPlayer Node
- Has the same functionality as AudioStreamPlayer but works with SoundEffect
- Has a 2D and a 3D version
- SfxManager Autoload
- A quick way to play SoundEffect without a need for a SoundEffectPlayer
- You can use it to play SoundEffect after you free a scene. E.g. death sound
,play_sfx_2d(..., position: Vector2)
,play_sfx_3d(..., position: Vector3)
- RepeatSoundComponent Node
- Usefull when you want to make a repeating sound. E.g. steps or Undertale-like dialogue SFX
- Uses duck typing. You can use it with any of the AudioStreamPlayer or SoundEffectPlayer nodes
- It just calls
- It just calls
- You can preview the sound in the editor. Easy to tweak
- The Audio Bus that will be used by default on SoundEffectPlayer and in SfxManager
- It's recomended to create a separate audio bus
The only reason for this to exist is because FMOD integration for Godot doesn't support HTML export yet. It will probably be obsolete in like a month
It's still pretty nice to use and covers most of the needs for a game jam game, so maybe I'll keep using it if I find FMOD overkill for game jams
A template for the main menu, options menu with volume settings and pause menu
- MenuContainer and MenuContent
- Use MenuContainer to switch between MenuContent
- MenuConten extends the Control node, so you can put anything you like inside it
- Set a default MenuContent on a MenuContainer
- Inside MenuContent you get a handle to the MenuContainer that you can use to switch MenuContent
- See MenuContentButton and MenuBackButton for an example
- It keeps track of previous MenuContent, so you can easily go back to the previous content
- PauseMenu
- Extends MenuContainer
- Add it to a scene where you want the game to be pausable. The content is hidden when the game is not paused
- Buttons
- MenuBackButton - go to a previous MenuContent or unpause the game when it was paused using PauseManager
- You need a refference to a MenuContent to use it, so only use it inside of a MenuContent
- MenuContentButton - change content to a new one
- You need a refference to a MenuContent to use it, so only use it inside of a MenuContent
- MenuSceneButton - change scene
- MenuBackButton - go to a previous MenuContent or unpause the game when it was paused using PauseManager
- VolumeSlider
- A slider that you can set to control any Audio Bus
A simplified version of this addon: johnnyneverwalked/godot-input-buffer
Before using the addon — you need to set actions that will be buffered in the project settings
- How long the action will be buffered. In milliseconds
- A list of actions that will be buffered
- InputBuffer Autoload
is_action_buffered(action: String) -> bool
- Check if the action is buffered
is_action_buffered_or_pressed(action: String) -> bool
- Check if the action is buffered or currently pressed
fi_lerp(speed: float, delta: float)
-> float- A formula for framerate independent lerp
- Example:
lerp(..., Utility.fi_lerp(15.0, delta))
- Average recomended speed value is around 10.0 - 20.0
disable_collisions(node: Node) -> void
andenable_collisions(node: Node) -> void
- Loop through children of the node and enable/disable all the collisions
A collection of common components for an action game:
- Health Component
- Hitbox Component
- Hurtbox Component
- Hit Flash Component
- Velocity Component
- Interaction Component
- Interaction Manager
Play music. Stop music. Fade music. Change music with a fade
- MusicManager Autoload
- MusicRequest Node
- Camera Shake
- Screen Flash
- Screen Fade
- Freeze Frame
- SceneManager Autoload
- Has same methods as SceneTree for changing scenes
- Uses VFXManager screen fade
- Change Default Audio Bus
- Main Menu Ccene
- Main Game Scene
- Project Structure
- Enforce Static Typing
- Vignette Shader
- Hit Flash Shader
- Prototype Assets
- Particle Assets
- Limit FPS to 60 in order to prevent jittering
- Window Settings