
NeoVim config

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Repo with my NeoVim config files.


Keymap cheatsheet

Description Keymap/Shortcut
Move to next quickfix item ]q
Move to previous quickfix item [q
Move to last quickfix item ]Q
Move to first quickfix item [Q
Move to next location list item ]l
Move to previous location list item [l
Move to last location list item ]L
Move to first location list item [L
Toggle Neotree file explorer <leader>d
Toggle Trouble diagnostics <leader>t
Open scratch file <leader>es
Open journal file <leader>ej
Open goals file <leader>eg
Open habits file <leader>eh
Open Neogit status gs
Show git branches with Telescope gb
Find files with Telescope <leader>ff
Find in files with Telescope <leader>fg
List buffers with Telescope <leader>fb
Search help tags with Telescope <leader>fh
List old files with Telescope <leader>fo
Move to next Trouble item ]t
Move to previous Trouble item [t
Move to last Trouble item ]T
Move to first Trouble item [T
Toggle document symbols in Trouble <leader>w
Run Neotest for test at cursor <leader>x
Run Neotest for current file <leader>X
Run Neotest for entire workspace <leader>m
Toggle Neotest output panel <leader>n
Toggle Neotest summary <leader>N
Go to declaration (LSP) <localleader>gd
Go to definition (LSP) <localleader>gD
Find references (LSP) <localleader>gr
Go to implementation (LSP) <localleader>gi
Go to type definition (LSP) <localleader>gt
Show hover information (LSP) <localleader>gh
Show signature help (LSP) <localleader>gs
Perform code action (LSP) <localleader>gx
Rename symbol (LSP) <localleader>gR
Move to next git hunk ]h
Move to previous git hunk [h
Stage git hunk <leader>hs
Reset git hunk <leader>hr
Show git blame for hunk <leader>hb


  • Move to lazy.nvim
    • First version
    • Customize
    • Create config/keymaps
  • Chore
    • Fill out README.md
    • Create a cheatsheet for keymaps