
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Build bird tree

Devilworm name

  • Halicephalobus mephisto


  • python 3.8+
  • MACSE V2.06
  • trimAl v1.4.rev22 build[2015-05-21] docs
  • iqtree 2.1.3 docs

Activate python venv

python3 -m venv env_birds
source env_birds/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


1 Prepare alignment

1.0 Extract genes for each bird from raw table

python3 scripts/extract_genes.py

1.1 Extract fasta for each mitochondrial gene from genes table

python3 scripts/split_to_genes.py

1.2 Align the sequences in genes separately

bash scripts/align_genes.sh data/interim/gene_seqs/*  # need to modify to change gencode

1.2* Check if all gaps divisible by 3. Run command from file below and look at last column - it must be all zero else there are some bugs in the alignment

cat data/interim/alignments_birds/*.fna | egrep -o "\-*" | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $1 "\t" length($2) "\t" $2 "\t" length($2)%3}' | tee logs/gaps_birds.log

1.3 Drop seqs that contains frameshifts and stopcodons in the middle of the genes. Drop species that has less than 10 genes after QC. Also drop bird Agapornis_pullarius because it is full dublicate of another Agapornis according to sequences

# need to modify label before run
bash scripts/1.3.qc_aln.sh data/interim/alignments_birds/*.fna
bash scripts/1.3.qc_aln.sh data/interim/alignments_devilworm/*.fna

1.4 Trim alignments

bash scripts/trim_alignment.sh data/interim/alignments_birds_clean/*.fna
bash scripts/trim_alignment.sh data/interim/alignments_nematoda_clean/*.fna

1.4* Repeat step 1.2* if needed

cat data/interim/trimed_aln_nematoda/* | egrep -o "\-*" | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $1 "\t" length($2) "\t" $2 "\t" length($2)%3}'

1.5 Check lost number of genes in species

for name in `cat data/interim/species_label.txt`; do echo -n -e "$name\t"; cat data/interim/trimed_aln_label/* | grep -c $name; done | cut -f 2 | sort | uniq

2 Prepare constraint tree

2.1 Manually create orders tree orders.tre. We used Kimball et al. tree from poster in sapplements 1.

2.2 Prepare appropriate format of species taxonomy taxonomy

python scripts/get_taxonomy.py

2.3 Write species from final alignment to file species_birds_in_tree

grep '>' data/interim/trimed_aln_birds_clean/ATP6.fna | sort | uniq | sed "s/>//" > data/interim/species_birds_in_tree.txt

2.4 Run script to produce constraint tree

python3 scripts/prepare_constraint_tree.py

2.5 Check 'NNN' nodes in the tree

grep NNN data/interim/constraint.tre

3 Prepare nexus file

cd data/interim/trimed_aln_birds_clean/  # optional
grep -v -m 1 '>' *.fna | awk -F ':' '{ gsub(".fna", "") ; print "charset", $1, "=", $1 ".fna: 1-" length($2) ";"}'

And manually add custom features


Scripts presented here

# full model search + tree
iqtree2 -p scheme_birds_max.nex -m MFP+MERGE -nt 8 --prefix phylo

# Ancestral state reconstruction TODO
iqtree2 -anc -nt 8 --prefix anc -p ... -s ...

# KG advise
iqtree2 -s ../folder -m GTR+FO+R6+I -asr -nt AUTO --prefix anc

# KG advise 2, harder (or HKY+F)
iqtree2 -s ../folder -m GTR+R6 -asr -nt AUTO --prefix anc

5 Check constraint usefulness

cat phylo.treefile phylo_ex_constraint.treefile > both.tree
iqtree2 -p phylo.best_model.nex -z both.tree -n 0 -zb 1000 -au -nt 12 --prefix topology


See topology.trees for trees with branch lengths.

WARNING: Too few replicates for AU test. At least -zb 10000 for reliable results!

Tree      logL    deltaL  bp-RELL    p-KH     p-SH       c-ELW       p-AU
  1 -2173193.997  1008.9       0 -      0 -      0 - 3.62e-233 - 2.78e-05 -  # with constraint
  2 -2172185.053       0       1 +      1 +      1 +         1 +        1 + 

deltaL  : logL difference from the maximal logl in the set.
bp-RELL : bootstrap proportion using RELL method (Kishino et al. 1990).
p-KH    : p-value of one sided Kishino-Hasegawa test (1989).
p-SH    : p-value of Shimodaira-Hasegawa test (2000).
c-ELW   : Expected Likelihood Weight (Strimmer & Rambaut 2002).
p-AU    : p-value of approximately unbiased (AU) test (Shimodaira, 2002).

Plus signs denote the 95% confidence sets.
Minus signs denote significant exclusion.
All tests performed 1000 resamplings using the RELL method.

6 Mutational spectra

6.1 Prepare appropriate format of leaves states

python scripts/6.1.terminal_genomes2iqtree_format.py --aln data/interim/alignments_birds_clean_clean --scheme data/interim/scheme_birds_genes.nex --out data/interim/leaves_birds_states.tsv

6.2 Prepare appropriate format of internal states from iqtree

python scripts/6.2.states2iqtree_format.py --anc data/interim/iqtree_runs/brun3/anc_kg/anc_kg.state --leaves data/interim/leaves_birds_states.tsv --out data/interim/anc_kg_states_birds.tsv

6.3 Caclulate MutSpec on most probable states

python scripts/6.3.calculate_mutational_spectra.py

6.4 Caclulate MutSpec using state probabilities

python scripts/6.4.calculate_mutational_spectra_proba.py


Count all genes length

parallel tail -n 1 {} ::: *.fna | paste -s -d '' | wc  # minus one
parallel printf {/.} ';' printf "," ';' tail -n 1 {} '|' wc -m ::: data/example_nematoda/aln/*.fna


  1. R. Kimball (2019) - constraint tree based on orders
  2. V. Burskaia (2021) - tree building procedure
  3. Birds taxa - most close to Kimball's taxa (v10.1)
  4. MACSE - tool for multiple alignment of coding sequences
  5. Iqtree - efficient software for phylogenomic inference
  6. Genetic codes
  7. trimAl