
capstone (open table clone)

Primary LanguagePython

TeeTime, the place to go for your next golf outing!

This site was designed with golfers in mind. As a solo golfer I often find myself in a position where I am forced to golf with people I don't know. The goal was to alleviate some of the anxiety and/or frustration that might go along with that. With TeeTime you can see who is going to be golfing when, so that it might be possible to reach out to someone who has a similar skill level to yourself and golf.

Site hosted by heroku here

Looking For Documentation?

Please see the Wiki for any documentation on the database schema, frontend routes, api routes, or wireframes.


  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Flask
  • Alembic
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Google API
  • Docker
  • React
  • Redux

Screen Shot 2021-07-12 at 5 09 38 AM

Feature List


Fully integrated with Google Place API, any user can visit the site and get results for golf courses all around the world. Initial results when visiting the site are based on the user's current location.


A user that has logged into an account may leave, edit or delete a review on the golf course of their choosing.

Tee times

A user that has an account with us may create a tee time reservation at anyone of the golf courses returned from search.