
A Product Catalog Demonstration Project Using Spring MVC and Mongo DB

Primary LanguageJava

01 Screenshots;

01-A) Product List Page

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01-B) Product Details Page

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01-C) Product Details Page Confirmation Modal

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01-D) Shopping Cart Page

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01-E) Search Functionality

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01-F) List Products By Selected Category

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02 Project Startup

Following maven archetype is used to create web application

` mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.levent.pcd -DartifactId=ProductCatalogDemo -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DinteractiveMode=false

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.levent.pcd -DartifactId=ProductCatalogDemo -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DinteractiveMode=false`

03 Project Setup

  • MongoDB is needed for this project
  • On windows, simply run the command below (notify that you have to specify a dbpath parameter)

mongod --port 27017 --dbpath D:\MONGOTEST\data

I'm using the command below on my windows machine;

C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin>mongod --port 27017 --dbpath D:\MONGOTEST\data

04 Project Data

  • Database name is specified on servlet-config.xml (WEB-INF/config/servlet-config.xml), and set to levent. You can change or set an arbitrary name for it.

  • Use the database name specified on servlet-config.xml

use levent

  • Create a collection named products with the following command, you can run it on mongo client;


  • Populate the collection with the following command, just copy and paste it on mongo client. Also notify that database data is located on src/resources/database-data folder;

db.runCommand({ insert: 'products', documents: [ { _id: '1', productCode: 'AX329T', categories: ['men'], productName: 'Light Brown Men Shoe 1', imageUrl: '01_men_one.jpg', price: 68.39, size: 43, color: 'lightbrown' }, { _id: '2', productCode: '6X3D93', categories: ['men'], productName: 'Brown Men Shoe 2', imageUrl: '02_men_two.jpg', price: 81.99, size: 41, color: 'brown' }, { _id: '3', productCode: 'NX3G66', categories: ['men'], productName: 'Dark Brown Men Shoe 3', imageUrl: '03_men_three.jpg', price: 70.26, size: 42, color: 'darkbrown' }, { _id: '4', productCode: '37Y29D', categories: ['women'], productName: 'Black High Heel Women Shoe', imageUrl: '04_women_one.jpg', price: 99.84, size: 36, color: 'black' }, { _id: '5', productCode: '223JDH', categories: ['women'], productName: 'Black Women Shoe 2', imageUrl: '05_women_two.jpg', price: 102.67, size: 37, color: 'black' }, { _id: '6', productCode: '7DGFF1', categories: ['men', 'children', 'boy'], productName: 'Black Blue Boy Shoe 1', imageUrl: '06_men_children_01.jpg', price: 51.14, size: 3, color: 'blue' }, { _id: '7', productCode: 'DJ7CY3', categories: ['men', 'children', 'boy'], productName: 'White Cream Boy Sport Shoe 2', imageUrl: '07_men_children_02.jpg', price: 43.36, size: 4, color: 'cream' }, { _id: '8', productCode: '3HDAA7', categories: ['girl', 'children', 'women'], productName: 'Girl Pinky White Shoe 1', imageUrl: '08_girl_children_01.jpg', price: 45.44, size: 2, color: 'white' }, { _id: '9', productCode: 'JFJE7X', categories: ['girl', 'children'], productName: 'Girl Pinky Black Shoe 2', imageUrl: '09_girl_children_02.jpg', price: 55.24, size: 3, color: 'pink' } ] })

05 Explanation

There are several packages due to N-tier application model. Front Controllers are located on controller package. Controller classes invokes classes under Service and Business packages. Business package is an additional abstraction for service. Service layer uses Repository package classes and that's all.

There is only one model class, Product. However for session scoped shopping cart data, there is also ShoppingCartMap class, and also there is an ShoppingCartEntry class which I use to store the orders per Product Code, it's actually a map.

There is a very simple Strategy Pattern implementation on ShoppingHandlerImpl class. ShoppingHandlerImpl has a price handler instance which is actually a PriceStrategy interface. This is a very primitive demonstration of Strategy Design Pattern.

There are some several Rest Endpoints under RestServicesController class. One of them with request mapping services/addToCart is used for the update of session scoped variable on product details add-to-cart functionality, see product-details.jsp view under WEB-INF/jsp

I used twitter bootstrap on for page layout for a better view and responsive design.

06 Further Notes

Because that I need trivial image data to run the project, I've fetched some images from google and none of them belongs to me.