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Introducing springdoc-openapi-gradle-plugin

Gradle plugin for springdoc-openapi.

This plugin allows you to generate an OpenAPI 3 specification for a Spring Boot application from a Gradle build. The plugin does this with help of springdoc-openapi-core.

Compatibility Notes

The plugin is built on Gradle version 6.4.1.


This plugin has a runtime dependency on the the following plugins:

  1. Spring Boot Gradle plugin - org.springframework.boot
  2. Gradle process plugin - com.github.johnrengelman.processes

Hence these plugins also needs to be added to your Gradle builds.

Note: You will also need the springdoc-core jar file to be present in your Spring Boot application.

How To Use

Gradle Groovy DSL

plugins {
      id "org.springframework.boot" version "2.3.0.RELEASE"
      id "com.github.johnrengelman.processes" version "0.5.0"
      id "org.springdoc.openapi-gradle-plugin" version "1.3.0"

Gradle Kotlin DSL

plugins {
    id("org.springframework.boot") version "2.3.0.RELEASE"
    id("com.github.johnrengelman.processes") version "0.5.0"
    id("org.springdoc.openapi-gradle-plugin") version "1.3.0"

Note: For latest versions of the plugins please check the Gradle Plugins portal.

How the plugin works?

When you add this plugin and its runtime dependency plugins to your build file, the plugin creates the following tasks:

  1. forkedSpringBootRun

  2. generateOpenApiDocs

Running the task generateOpenApiDocs writes the OpenAPI spec into a openapi.json file in your project's build dir.

gradle clean generateOpenApiDocs

When you run the gradle task generateOpenApiDocs, it starts your spring boot application in the background using forkedSpringBootRun task. Once your application is up and running generateOpenApiDocs makes a rest call to your applications doc url to download and store the open api docs file as json.


The following customizations can be done on task generateOpenApiDocs using extension openApi as follows

openApi {
Parameter Description Required Default
apiDocsUrl The URL from where the OpenAPI doc can be downloaded No http://localhost:8080/v3/api-docs
outputDir The output directory for the generated OpenAPI file No $buildDir - Your project's build dir
outputFileName The name of the output file with extension No openapi.json
waitTimeInSeconds Time to wait in seconds for your Spring Boot application to start, before we make calls to apiDocsUrl to download the OpenAPI doc No 30 seconds
forkProperties Any system property that you would normal need to start your spring boot application. Can either be a static string or a java Properties object No ""

Fork properties examples

Fork properties allows you to send in anything that might be necessary to allow for the forked spring boot application that gets started to be able to start (profiles, other custom properties, etc etc)

Static string

openApi {
	forkProperties = " -DstringPassedInForkProperites=true"

Passing straight from gradle

This allows for you to be able to just send in whatever you need when you generate docs.

./gradlew clean generateOpenApiDocs

and as long as the config looks as follows that value will be passed into the forked spring boot application.

openApi {
	forkProperties =

Building the plugin

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Build and publish the plugin into your local maven repository by running the following
    ./gradlew clean pTML

Testing the plugin

  1. Create a new spring boot application or use an existing spring boot app and follow the How To Use section above to configure this plugin.

  2. Update the version for the plugin to match the current version found in build.gradle.kts

    id("org.springdoc.openapi-gradle-plugin") version "1.3.1-SNAPSHOT"
  3. Add the following to the spring boot apps settings.gradle

    pluginManagement {
        repositories {

Thank you for the support

  • Thanks a lot JetBrains for supporting springdoc-openapi project.

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