OSN Community Members

Contributing to OpenSources Network Community Members Repository

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the OpenSources Network Community Members repository! Follow the steps below to make your first commit.

Step 1: Fork the Repository

Click on the "Fork" button at the top-right corner of the repository page to create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.

Step 2: Install Git (if not installed)

If you don't have Git installed on your machine, you can download and install it from the following link: Download Git

Step 3: Clone Your Forked Repository

Open your terminal (Command Prompt, Git Bash, or any terminal of your choice) and run the following command to clone your forked repository to your local machine:

git clone <your_forked_repository_url>

Replace <your_forked_repository_url> with the URL of your forked repository.

Step 4: Edit members.json

Add your avatar image to the avatars folder. The image should be named with your GitHub username (e.g., <github_username>.jpg) to keep the uniqueness and should have dimensions of 200x200 pixels.

Navigate to the repository directory on your local machine and locate the members.json file. Edit this file to add your details.

Ensure to follow the JSON structure and guidelines mentioned in the file.

Step 5: Commit Your Changes

After editing members.json and adding your avatar image, stage your changes and commit them with a proper commit message. Here's an example commit message:

git add members.json avatars/<your_github_username>.jpg
git commit -m "Add <your_name>'s details to members.json and avatar image"

Step 6: Push Changes to Your Fork

Push your changes to your forked repository on GitHub:

git push origin main

Step 7: Create a Pull Request (PR)

Go to the GitHub page of your forked repository. Click on the "New pull request" button. Compare the changes and click on the "Create pull request" button. Provide a descriptive title and description for your pull request.

Step 8: Wait for Review and Merge

Wait for the repository maintainers to review your pull request. Once approved, your changes will be merged into the main repository.

Step 9: Check the Result

After your changes are merged, you can check the result by visiting the following URL:


Congratulations! You have successfully made your first contribution to the OpenSources Network Community Members repository.