Sample Git Repo for platform-automation


    ├── config
    │   └── auth.yml
    ├── env
    │   └── env.yml
    ├── generated-config
    ├── products
    ├── state
    │   └── state.yml
    └── vars

Detailed Description

Folder/File Purposes Samples
<FOUNDATION-CODE> As the root folder for a dedicated foundation This can be something like dev, qa, sit, prod etc. which is up to the team's convention to name the foundations.
config A folder for global configs. Currently there is only one auth.yml to configure the OpsMan authentication. The default auth.yml is for basic authentication. Please refer to sample of auth-ldap.yml and auth-saml.yml for other mechanisms
env A folder to contain properties for targeting and logging into the Ops Manager API. Currently there is only one env.yml to configure the properties so that the platform-automation tasks can use om --env the-path-to/env.yml <COMMAND> ... to interact with OpsMan APIs
generated-config A folder to contain automatically generated product config files during operations, it should start with no files A naming convention of <PRODUCT-NAME>-<PRODUCT-VERSION>.yml will be applied to all the files within this folder, e.g. cf-2.2.11.yml, director-2.4.1.yml
products A folder to contain templatized product configs A couple of samples have been provided but please remove all of them to start with
state A folder to contain the meta information named state.yml to manage the Ops Manager VM. This content of this file will be managed by pipelines during operations. A sample has been provided for GCP. Please change the IaaS code to meet your context
vars A folder to contain vars for templatized product configs in folder of /products A couple of samples have been provided but please remove all of them to start with