
A client Java library to manage App Engine Java applications for any project that performs App Engine Java application management. For example, the Maven, Gradle and Eclipse App Engine plugins, custom user tools, etc.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

experimental Build Status

Google App Engine Plugins Core Library

IMPORTANT: This library is used by Google internal plugin development teams to share App Engine related code. Its use for any other purpose is highly discouraged and unsupported. Visit our App Engine documentation for more information on Google supported clients for App Engine administration.


This library requires Java 1.8 or higher to run. This library requires Maven and Java 1.8 or higher to build.

You must also install the Cloud SDK command line interface (CLI), if it isn't installed yet, following the instructions.

You must also install the app-engine-java component:

gcloud components install app-engine-java

Supported operations

The library implements the following operations:

  • Deploy an application to standard or flexible environment
  • Stage an application for deployment
  • Run an application on the local server synchronously or asynchronously

How to use

Build the library using the "mvn clean install" command at the repository root directory, where the pom.xml file is located. This produces the appengine-plugins-core-version-SNAPSHOT.jar file in the "target" directory that you can add to your application's class path.

To deploy a new version, a client calls the library in the following way:

// Create a Cloud SDK
CloudSdk cloudSdk = new CloudSdk.Builder().build();

// Create a deployment
AppEngineDeployment deployment = new CloudSdkAppEngineDeployment(cloudSdk);

// Configure deployment
DefaultDeployConfiguration configuration = new DefaultDeployConfiguration();

// deploy

SDK Manager

This library provides a mechanism for installing, adding components and updating the Cloud SDK. The operations are intended to run asynchronously, either on an executor or through mechanisms provided by an IDE.

// Create a new Managed SDK instance
ManagedCloudSdk sdk = ManagedCloudSdk.newManagedSdk("123.123.123") // SDK fixed at version.
ManagedCloudSdk sdk = ManagedCloudSdk.newManagedSdk() // 'LATEST' sdk, can be updated.

// Implement the listener interface to listen to operation output
MessageListener listener = new MessageListener() {...};

// Always check if operations are needed before running them
if (!sdk.isInstalled()) {

// use SdkComponent to reference a Cloud Sdk component
if (!sdk.hasComponent(SdkComponent.APP_ENGINE_JAVA)) {
  sdk.newComponentInstaller().installComponent(SdkComponent.APP_ENGINE_JAVA, listener);

// updates will only occur on 'LATEST' sdks
if (!sdk.isUpToDate) {

// You can then create an SDK from a managed SDK instance
new CloudSdk.Builder().sdkPath(sdk.getSdkHome())...;