
Learning Rust through Advent of Code 2022

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Learning Rust with Advent of Code

Static Badge Tests Static Badge

This repository contains my attempts at learning Rust through solving Advent of Code 2022 problems. The goal I set for myself is to write readable idiomatic Rust code (and I will most definitely fail at both), and I do not really care about coming up with as smartest algorithm as possible.

I'm at the beginning of my Rust learning path. This should serve as a warning to anyone thinking about using this in production either by direct copying or using code assistants trained on this repository.

If you are interested in discussing any of my solutions, Rust in general, if you are trying to learn Rust or want to brag about mastering it, I opened discussions.

Running Tests

cargo test

Downloading Problems

First, install Advent of Code CLI:

cargo install aoc-cli

Download a single day:

day=01 && (mkdir -p "src/day${day}" && cd $_ && aoc d --overwrite --day "$day" --input-file "input.txt" --puzzle-file "README.md")

Download all days:

for day in {01..25}; do (mkdir -p "src/day${day}" && cd $_ && aoc d --overwrite --day "$day" --input-file "input.txt" --puzzle-file "README.md"); done