
Rust library to facilitate executing a chained series of executables

Primary LanguageRust

This package provides functionality for running one or more executables as a sub-process operation. The sub-process operation is specified as the command to run, the arguments to the command, and the input and output files.

The first step is to define the executable that should be invoked. This is done by identifying the executable itself and the manner in which its input and output files (if any) should be specified when running that executable. The input and output files can be supplied to the executable in a number of ways: by replacing a pattern in one or more of the args, or by simply appending the file to the list of arguments (if both input and output files are marked this way, the input file(s) are appended first, followed by the output file.

For example, a C compilation invokes the cc compiler, specifying the output file via the -o flag and appending the input filename(s) on the command line:

use chainsop::*;
let compile = Executable::new("cc",
                              ExeFileSpec::Append,         // input file(s)
                              ExeFileSpec::option("-o"));  // output file

The ExeFileSpec has an Option constructor which takes a String, but provides the ExeFileSpec::option() helper to take anything that can be converted to a String.

This allows a generic description of the Executable that describes how to invoke it in general, but which is not specific to any particular invocation. It is also possible to add a set of arguments that are supplied any time this Executable is invoked.

let compile = Executable::new("cc",
                              ExeFileSpec::Append,         // input file(s)
                              ExeFileSpec::option("-o"))   // output file
let link = Executable::new("cc",
                           ExeFileSpec::Append,         // input file(s)
                           ExeFileSpec::option("-o"))   // output file

To actually invoke the Executable as a sub-process operation, a SubProcOperation is defined to use the Executable along with specific input and/or output files and any additional arguments that are specific to that invocation:

let mut compile_foo = SubProcOperation::new(&compile)
let mut compile_bar = SubProcOperation::new(&compile)
let mut link_myapp = SubProcOperation::new(&link)
let mut test_myapp = SubProcOperation::new(&Executable::new("bash",
let mut check_results = SubProcOperation::new(&Executable::new("grep",
                        .set_input_file(&FileArg::glob_in("build/", "*.test_out"));

If you actually attempt to use the compile_foo or compile_bar above, you will get an error that the above statements create a temporary value that is freed at the end of the statement, and Rust will suggest that you let-bind to create a longer-lived value (which is confusing: these are let binds!). This occurs because the chained methods return a &mut Self for maximum flexibility, but Rust needs someone to take ownership of the reference or else it will be released. There are two solutions:

  1. Use two statements. The first is a mutable let bind of just the operation, and the second is the chained modifications of that operation.

  2. Add a .clone() to the end of the chain.

Both of these solutions are shown below.

Additional info: https:://randompoison.github.io/posts/returning-self/

Note that the above have defined the operations, but not executed them. To execute them, call the execute method for each SubProcOperation with an Executor. The Executor is the lowest level of abstraction that determines the actual manner in which the operations are performed. For the example below, the Executor::DryRun will be used, which echoes the operations to stderr but does not execute them; there is also an Executor::NormalWithEcho which prints operations to stderr just before actually performing them, and an Executor::NormalRun which performs the operations but does not display them. It is also possible to define your own Executors which implement the OsRun trait.

let mut compile_foo = SubProcOperation::new(&compile);
let mut compile_bar = SubProcOperation::new(&compile)
// Similar .clone() modifications to link_myapp, test_myapp, and check_results ...
let mut executor = Executor::DryRun;
println!("Compile is {:?}", compile_foo);
compile_foo.execute(&mut executor, &Some("/home/user/myapp-src"))?;
compile_bar.execute(&mut executor, &Some("/home/user/myapp-src"))?;
link_myapp.execute(&mut executor, &Some("/home/user/myapp-src"))?;
test_myapp.execute(&mut executor, &Some("/home/user/myapp-src"))?;
check_results.execute(&mut executor, &Some("/home/user/myapp-src"))?;

In the above, there was a lot of repetition in execute() argument handling, as well as the potential need for error handling after each execution. In addition, input and output files may need to be aligned between operations: the output file from link_myapp must be the input file for test_myapp and the stdout from test_myapp is written to a temporary file with the suffix .test_out, which the subsequent check_results operation must recover by wildcard matching.

The chainsop package does not provide explicit methods of capturing stdout or stderr, nor for providing specific stdin to SubProcOperation invocations. Instead, stdout or stderr should be redirected to (temporary) files which are then used as input files (instead of stdin) for subsequent operations.

These issues can be more easily be handled by using the ChainedOps object, which is supplied with multiple SubProcOperation objects that it will perform in a chained sequence.

  1. The output file from one SubProcOperation is automatically specified as the input file for the next SubProcOperation. The ChainedOps object is provided with the initial input file and the final output file in the same manner as an individual SubProcOperation would have been and it uses these to configure the first and last SubProcOperation objects in the chain.

  2. Error handling is performed after each SubProcOperation is executed. This is generally the same action that the ? suffix specifies, but it will also ensure that any temporary files created as part of the chain are removed.

Below is the same example we have been using, re-implemented as a ChainedOps sequence:

let mut build_ops = ChainedOps::new(&"myapp build");
// A plain operation can be modified after adding it to the chain
let mut compile_foo = build_ops.push_op(&SubProcOperation::new(&compile));

// Or the operation can be fully-configured and then added to the chain
                  .set_input_file(&FileArg::glob_in("build/", "*.test_out")));

let mut executor = Executor::DryRun;
build_ops.execute(&mut executor, &Some("/home/user/myapp-src"))?;

When using ChainedOps to perform a sequence of operations, it is sometimes useful to perform a local computation at some point during the chain. This can be done by adding a FunctionOperation into the chain at the appropriate location. The FunctionOperation supports the same general methods as a SubProcOperation, but instead of creating a sub-process and running an executable in that sub-process, it calls a specified local function and passes the names of the input and output files.

It is additionally sometimes useful to enable or disable individual operations within a chain. Using our build examples above, perhaps our builder application acts like the make tool and does not perform compilations if the file is up-to-date. The previously-specified chain can be used, but prior to executing the chain, the modification dates of the two .c files can be checked against the modification date of the .exe file and one or both compilation operations can be disabled if the corresponding .c file hasn't changed. This disabling (or enabling) can be done by calling the ChainedOpRef::active() method on the ChainedOpRef handle for that operation in the chain.